本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-8-14 22:53 编辑
根据大家的建议,本人今天上午已经投诉给劳工部部门,由于怕语言组织的不清楚,让对方误解,特意在内部找了一个华人当翻译。电话持续了25分钟左右,了解详细情况,他们说专门有一个部门是调查这类案件的,请我耐心等待,大概1-2周的时间,让我把case号记了下来。 至于网友回复的 超过25小时,我已经跟他说了,学生签证在假期是不受时间限制的,这个也得到了劳工部门员工的确定,还有特意问了我有没有签订任何合同,这个根本没有,不过似乎对此事件没有太大影响。
I apologise it has taken me so long to get back to you; I was away from work for several days early in the week and I have been trying to catch up on work. I have not heard back from Oxana about the information and options I provided to her regarding your allegation. It may now be time to consider more formal resolution methods. There are two dispute resolution mechanisms you may wish to consider from here: mediation and the Employment Relations Authority. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment offers a free mediation service where the parties can come together with an impartial mediator to reach an agreement. If you’d like to attempt mediation, let me know, and I can forward the file on to Mediation Services. They would then be in contact with possible dates and times. An interpreter can also be arranged if you’d like. I have included more about mediation in the publication below: http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/services/mediators/MediationServices.pdf The other option is the Employment Relations Authority. This is an independent body that looks into employment disputes. Here employees can seek, amongst other things, to recover monies that they feel are owed to them. There is a filing fee of $71.56 to lodge a matter with the Authority, though when you submit what you are claiming for you can ask for the Authority to reimburse you for the fee if you are successful in your claim. More about the Employment Relations Authority and their website below: http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/solvingproblems/Going%20to%20the%20ERA.pdf – publication on the Employment Relations Authority http://www.era.govt.nz/ - Authority website Have a look over this information, perhaps discuss it with friends and family, or get some independent advice, and get back to me with how you’d wish to proceed by 5pm Monday 18 August 2014. If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact me on (09) 984 0793 or email labourstandards@mbie.govt.nz.
这封邮件刚收到没有几分钟,马上劳工部又给我回复了一封,意思是说对方回信了,而且他们想仲裁调节? I have received an email from Oxana stating that they would like to attempt mediation. As such, Outbound and Compliance Services will be taking no further action. I shall forward the file to Mediation Services, and they should be in contact in due course to discuss suitable dates and times.
接下来我该怎么办?走mediation services程序么?这种事情到现在复杂程度如何?谢谢广大网友们,希望你们给点意见,不能让这种欺人的外国老板继续剥削。 |