- 204783
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- 6876
- 人气
- 8943
- 主题
- 116
- 帖子
- 9191
- 精华
- 9
- 积分
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- 相册
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- 在线时间
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- 注册时间
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- 阅读权限
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- 最后登录
- 2023-9-6
升级   53.36% - UID
- 204783
- 热情
- 6876
- 人气
- 8943
- 主题
- 116
- 帖子
- 9191
- 精华
- 9
- 积分
- 12668
- 阅读权限
- 30
- 注册时间
- 2009-10-25
本帖最后由 ann!nio 于 2014-10-4 16:50 编辑
: I. Q3 P, t/ U! Q+ `' o8 R; P: \5 @+ d, Z
剛看SPCA的FACEBOOK ,明天貌似寵物大遊行?
: d: A/ @) _: a" M% J5 thttps://www.facebook.com/SPCAFRIENDS?fref=ts
9 d- K6 m: J) ^9 ]5 D2 I6 _
8 k1 @) @# `9 {' {" ?It's World Animal Day tomorrow. Join us on the Great Animal Walk up Queen Street, in rain or shine, to celebrate the unique value and worth of ALL animals and wildlife.
- \ z/ F* G5 i% M$ j+ d
, V+ h: U% Q2 fWith many similar walks and marches also being held globally at this time, it's a great chance to express your love and solidarity for creatures great and small.
2 m6 [( M, Y- C) K# ~
7 u4 [7 |' @9 |0 f6 R; {9 i8 AMeet us at Queen Elizabeth Square, Britomart from 11.30am to hear speeches from leading animal welfare activists, before the Walk commences up Queen St at 12.15pm. See you there! |