- 204783
- 热情
- 6876
- 人气
- 8943
- 主题
- 116
- 帖子
- 9191
- 精华
- 9
- 积分
- 12668
- 分享
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- 相册
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- 好友
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- 日志
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- 在线时间
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- 注册时间
- 2009-10-25
- 阅读权限
- 30
- 最后登录
- 2023-9-6
升级   53.36% - UID
- 204783
- 热情
- 6876
- 人气
- 8943
- 主题
- 116
- 帖子
- 9191
- 精华
- 9
- 积分
- 12668
- 阅读权限
- 30
- 注册时间
- 2009-10-25
本帖最后由 ann!nio 于 2014-10-4 16:50 编辑 p |8 J( _7 x
) t4 l8 h/ S- D0 N2 t3 D: j剛看SPCA的FACEBOOK ,明天貌似寵物大遊行?4 H/ `; u) C4 Z
https://www.facebook.com/SPCAFRIENDS?fref=ts7 @& s/ f9 F+ o* b
: C5 X9 Q L0 I: J U% }8 p
It's World Animal Day tomorrow. Join us on the Great Animal Walk up Queen Street, in rain or shine, to celebrate the unique value and worth of ALL animals and wildlife. q4 U6 M, N; z: y E
! m( E( y. f. P3 C* s# W
With many similar walks and marches also being held globally at this time, it's a great chance to express your love and solidarity for creatures great and small.
& Q& D% a9 P& H' ]5 \4 b
5 Q, b0 _% F8 P& v1 m8 t; GMeet us at Queen Elizabeth Square, Britomart from 11.30am to hear speeches from leading animal welfare activists, before the Walk commences up Queen St at 12.15pm. See you there! |