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已有 54 人来访过


  • my landlady's daughter is preganant now,congrats to her, but I have to move out again, going back to Onehunga, meeting my previous landlord soon  回复
  • 十年后的今天,再度孤身一人,成为租客,所不同的是我的原房东病危,我又有了新房东,人生就是这样,聚散离合,我希望自己还有机会,再见阿姨一面 回复
  • work hard,be my self, enjoy life  回复
  • Stand up, stand up, stand up  回复
  • Life is rollercoaster just got to ride it, I need to stopping fighting, found love, stop hiding, love is a mystery, let's get excited, by Ronan Keating 回复
  • 今天可真是天雷滚滚呀!  回复
  • 现在大雨倾盆,幸好我已将房间打扫干净,哈哈。 回复
  • I am in states right now, going to get my upper tooth fixed this afternoon, so painful! 回复
  • 我要做平澜那样的女子,大气,婉约,平静。 回复
  • daddy is coming home, oh yeah  回复
  • 基本上人只能靠自己,自己解决自己的问题 回复
  • 我太懒,不行不行不行! 回复
  • mad summer,crazy summer:) 回复
  • I must be reponsible  for myself. 回复
  • 勇敢坦然做自己! 回复
  • 暂无资料项或无权查看




Going to Concerto 2013-05-08
Me and friends going to Concerto on Thursday, I know there is one every year but the first time we are going to attend, very excited and looking forw ...
Anything could happen 2013-01-05
It's a new year now, I felt myself aging so fast winthin the past few years, my sis is preganant now, hopefully she will have a baby boy soon! I am d ...
新年快乐 2013-01-01
今天带老妈去了奥克兰优美的海滩,还受到了姨妈的电子贺卡,真高兴呀!大姨妈实在太善良了,一辈子为他人着想,自己过的很朴素。她的孩子们都很懂事。我今天本 ...
人到中年 2012-09-03
我还有2个月就要36岁了,这几年断断续续看了南怀瑾老师的书,受益匪浅,他书中的道理我只学了十万分之一都不到,可觉得说理透彻,直指人心。非常感激他老人家的 ...
清净法身佛 2012-08-30
无意中在youtube上点击到安又琪演唱的“清净法身佛”,她好漂亮有气质,把这首佛歌唱的既富有现代感又佷欢快干净,透着生活的气息,我听到过很多版本这首歌,安 ...
Came back from the Lab meeting 2012-08-28
The meeting occurred this morning 830 till 850. Me, the human resource secretary, the service manager, S and D were all there, the trial is gonna be p ...


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comenn 2015-4-1 19:19:28
nzrose: 我无意中看到你交友征婚的帖子,我36岁,愿意和你见面聊聊看我们是否和的来,如果你也愿意见见我的话,就请在我的主页留言或短消息皆可。顺便说一下,我不用qq。 ...
JMNN 2014-3-5 23:24:40
nzrose: hi, thank u for ur call and message, welcome back to nz, I nearly forgot about u as I don't think we have ever met.
I hardly go on skykiwi now, I hope ...
你好,睡了 没有啊?
jkcui 2013-5-18 18:16:43
Hi, Rose, good to know you have been practicing Buddhism. There must be something really special about you. I'd like to know more about you.
nzrose 2013-1-28 14:16:41
oh yeah!
nzrose 2012-8-22 15:47:52
白色恋人 2012-8-21 23:30:22
你好,打搅了。与Ta牵手,成就一世情缘!免费相亲交友:http://asiafriendfinder.com/go/g1370442 人生情缘未可知,也许就在这里,你将找到自己的终身伴侣。祝您好运!
stevecoco30 2012-8-19 19:15:00
stevecoco30 2012-8-19 14:26:16
nzrose 2012-7-16 13:04:01
nzrose 2012-5-2 15:23:40
nzrose 2012-5-1 12:49:35
nzrose 2012-4-29 21:01:04
I would love to change and I think inside me I am still an not mature little kid rather than a whole grown up. I need to work harder and let my potential to reach the fullest.
nzrose 2012-4-29 20:59:50
I've finished the seasons two, I think the teenage drama is getting a little bit nowhere when the stories continues, I loved it but when anybody can hook up with anyone I am disappointed  wiz the show now.
nzrose 2012-4-26 18:26:50
I have been watching "the gossip girl" lately, I am totally in love wiz it, it was such a cool TV drama, but I heard the later seasons gets quite shallow, maybe it is true, but at the moment, I am enjoying it!
nzrose 2012-4-24 18:54:08
nzrose 2012-4-24 15:40:31


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