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分享 Going to Concerto
2013-5-8 02:54
Me and friends going to Concerto on Thursday, I know there is one every year but the first time we are going to attend, very excited and looking forward to it!
168 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 Anything could happen
2013-1-5 01:51
It's a new year now, I felt myself aging so fast winthin the past few years, my sis is preganant now, hopefully she will have a baby boy soon! I am determined to practice buddisim and the nans in the temple are so cold, some of them quite rude. I will try to be faithful to my religion,we will c how ...
163 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 新年快乐
2013-1-1 18:02
今天带老妈去了奥克兰优美的海滩,还受到了姨妈的电子贺卡,真高兴呀!大姨妈实在太善良了,一辈子为他人着想,自己过的很朴素。她的孩子们都很懂事。我今天本来要去庙里拜拜的,结果忘了,看来自己还是不够虔诚!我决心学佛,要做一个有用的人,自己总结缺点,太懒惰,太浮躁,太傲慢。学佛可以将这些毛病转化。我希望自 ...
145 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 人到中年
2012-9-3 20:57
我还有2个月就要36岁了,这几年断断续续看了南怀瑾老师的书,受益匪浅,他书中的道理我只学了十万分之一都不到,可觉得说理透彻,直指人心。非常感激他老人家的教诲,我给自己定下的目标40岁之前努力修行,到美国与妹妹团聚,共建我们的事业,大话说了出去,看看我能不能做到,挑战一下自己,如何?! ...
166 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 清净法身佛
2012-8-30 17:41
无意中在youtube上点击到安又琪演唱的“清净法身佛”,她好漂亮有气质,把这首佛歌唱的既富有现代感又佷欢快干净,透着生活的气息,我听到过很多版本这首歌,安又琪唱的最吸引人。我还以为她是台湾人,原来是我们大陆的东北姑娘,现在大陆青年的素质真的赶的很快,从外貌到内在,优秀的真的佷优秀。 ...
172 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Came back from the Lab meeting
2012-8-28 09:42
The meeting occurred this morning 830 till 850. Me, the human resource secretary, the service manager, S and D were all there, the trial is gonna be put off until next year, and in Oct. there will be another meeting between staff and union, not sure will I be involved or not.
158 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 挺快乐的一天
2012-8-27 19:20
上午我去见了自己的正骨师,肩膀感觉又好了些,她给我讲了讲正骨的理论,我觉得“噢,原来是这样的”。这样治疗起来自己也比较明白是怎么回事。下午去见了第二位网友,一个佷聪明的小男孩,大家聊的挺开心的,我觉得大家出门在外都不容易,能够互相交换一下彼此的生活经验还是佷令人开眼界的,年轻人有他们的迷茫和烦恼,但 ...
113 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 小夜曲
2012-8-26 20:22
昨天白天我幸亏好好休息了,晚上果然11左右一个急性心梗的病人要紧急去ACH,我在抢救室看到她时,她疼的佷厉害,心电图ST 极度缺血,情况真的佷危险,我想要赶快上救护车走人,大家一起上了车,那个ambulence guy 倒是佷负责,车开的飞快,左右摇晃,搞的我头晕脑胀,好几次车身歪的厉害,我觉得我们马上就要出车祸了!!路 ...
96 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The nite at workplace
2012-8-25 21:11
Most of my patients are watching rugby at the moment, it's All Blacks VS Aussie I heard. My colleague husband has had heart problems and needed a bypass, it's a big shock for her entire family. All those years with my own life experience which has made me aware of that life is way to short, unpredi ...
109 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Remembering Deng Xiaoping
2012-8-24 21:20
I read from the newspaper that on Wendesday which already passed that it was birthday for China's late leader Mr. Deng Xiaoping. He would have been 108 years old by now. He is my idol and a great leader even in the world history, compare to his former leader Mao Zedong, he was equally great in my h ...
122 次阅读|0 个评论

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