本帖最后由 Daniel0108 于 2023-10-27 11:57 编辑
中区药房诚聘药房Pharmacy Technician
业务扩展需要,我们欢迎友好积极主动的成员加入我们的药房团队。 全职/兼职。
主要工作: 需以客户为中心,负责药房零售部分,包括保健品、非处方药等一般销售及咨询。 *申请人必需具备流利的中文说、写能力。 *我们会提供友好的团队环境加上持续的专业知识培训。 药剂专业在读学生、或有保健品店、药房工作经验者会优先考虑。 *申请此职位的人员应具有新西兰居留权或可合法在新西兰工作的签证(含学签)。
如果这是你想要的工作请把CV【英文】简历发到 smartcarepharm@gmail.com
Great opportunity for a friendly caringretail pharmacy assistant looking for full/part time work to join our pharmacy team in Panmure!
This role is in a customer centricpharmacy and would cover all aspects of retailing including OTC, natural healthand medicines counselling.
We are very flexible and extra hours can be addedin future. Previous experience working in a NZpharmacy is not required or essential as training will be provided. However, good communication skills and an empathy withcustomers would be advantageous.
Candidate must be able to speak Mandarin Chinese as a large proportion of ourcustomers are Chinese. Other dialects such as Cantonese would also beadvantageous though not essential.
If you want to be part of this stimulatingenvironment, please email me including your CV now to smartcarepharm@gmail.com