建retaining wall 是否需要consent 有个条件是看挡土墙是否承担房子的重量即[size=13.125px]additional load, 房子离挡土墙多远才不算承重呢, council网站没找到明确说法, 有大神懂吗. 目前需要建的挡土墙不到1米5高, 离房子大概5米远
[size=0.9375em]This exemption allows you to build a retaining wall (which is any wall constructed to retain or support the surrounding ground) without needing to get a building consent as long as it does not retain more than 1.5 metres (vertically) of ground and it includes ground water drainage in relation to retaining walls.
[size=0.9375em]This exemption does not apply to retaining walls that are subject to any additional load or surcharge, such as: - vehicle driveways
- parking spaces
- swimming pools
- buildings
- other retaining walls
- sloping ground above the top of the retaining wall.