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[生活] 突发!!!!!北岸学校出现持枪暴徒,特警队全面封锁,全副武装火力压制!(多图) |
升级 21.76% |
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唯識所變, 唯心所現,三界唯識, 萬法唯心.
升级 39.7% |
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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
升级 32.58% |
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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
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升级 55.9% |
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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.