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升级   0.94% - UID
- 372804
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- 注册时间
- 2014-2-2
本帖最后由 ry55 于 2017-2-26 08:46 编辑
定义就是auckland city council的管辖范围为界限。。。。SM9.10 Definition: Employment outside the Auckland regionSee previous instructions
SM9.10 Effective 29/11/2010See also Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 s 2
Employment is outside the Auckland region if the principal applicant's entire or principal place of work (asdefined in section 2 of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992) is not within the territories coveredby the Auckland Council.
Note: The Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 defines a 'place of work' as meaning a place (whetheror not within or forming part of a building, structure, or vehicle) where any person is to work, for the timebeing works, or customarily works, for gain or reward; and, in relation to an employee, includes a place, orpart of a place, (not being domestic accommodation provided for the employee):~ Where the employee comes or may come to eat, rest or get first aid or pay; or~ Where the employee comes or may come as part of the employee's duties to report in or out, getinstructions, or deliver goods or vehicles; or~ Through which the employee may or must pass to reach a place of work.
Effective 04/04/2011