本帖最后由 love_3_month 于 2015-10-23 19:21 编辑
sunxu77 发表于 2015-10-23 13:52 
楼主不知道不要瞎忽悠,谁说奥克兰没有地震的?奥克兰整座城市就是建造在活火山地震带上的!新西兰各大银行的 ...

Most earthquakes in New Zealand occur along the main ranges running from Fiordland in the southwest to East Cape in the northeast. This axis follows the boundary between the Indo-Australian and Pacific plates. Large earthquakes are less common along the central Alpine Fault, where the plates are not subductingand the forces are accommodated in different ways.
The largest city within this high-risk zone is the nation's capital, Wellington, followed by Hastings then Napier. All these cities have experienced severe earthquakes since European settlement.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquakes_in_New_Zealand Notable earthquakes