The Herald recognises that a story about the number of Chinese buyers in the Auckland property market is a sensitive subject. We chose to write about the figures highlighted by Labour because they are the strongest indication yet that overseas-based Chinese buyers are having an effect on the city’s rapidly rising house prices. We believe this is an important debate that must be tackled, as Auckland’s high house prices make local housing unaffordable for many in the city and affect the whole New Zealand economy through higher interest rates and a higher NZ dollar. The figures are the best available to start an open debate while the Government has decided not to make information about foreign ownership public.
Anne ANNE GIBSON| PROPERTY EDITOR| NEW ZEALAND HERALD (+649) 373 6400 extension 98657|| | PO BOX 32 | 11 WYNDHAM ST | AUCKLAND | NEW ZEALAND anne.gibson@nzherald.co.nz www.nzherald.co.nz