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* 維基百科的「維基解密泄露美國外交電報事件」條目說:
(1) 根本沒有「智利外交電文」,而是美國北京大使館電文裡引述所謂目擊者智利外交官的話。
(2) 這句話的兩個註解憑據 [19] 與 [1] 均不屬於公允與正確的事據憑證,你如果去點註〔19〕,會發現它連結YouTube影音檔「維基解密: 美國早知六四沒有天安門廣場屠殺」,影音檔引述英國《每日電訊報》(Daily Telegraph)文章。另個註解〔1〕連結到某瑞士網站,不知所云。
* 維基解密:「天安門廣場內沒有流血」 拆穿反動派的「六四天安門大屠殺」謊言(廖天欣)
小肉球批錯:這篇文章仍引述用英國《每日電訊報》(Daily Telegraph)文章。
* 「維基解密:美國早知六四沒有天安門廣場屠殺」被多方勤加引述和轉貼,存在著多個版本,這說辭的重點是美國早就知道1989-6-4那一天並沒有發生天安門廣場大屠殺事件,這說辭的唯一根據是《每日電訊報》的2011-06-04報導,此報導說「維基解密」獨家洩露給它美國駐北京大使館拍給美國國務院的秘密電報,密電裡述及 22 年前的六四天安門大屠殺。
Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim(By Malcolm Moore, Shanghai 04 Jun 2011)
Secret cables from the United States embassy in Beijing have shown there was no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square when China put down student pro-democracy demonstrations 22 years ago.
Students link arms to hold back angry crowds from chasing a group of retreating soldiers Photo: AP Photo/Mark Avery
1989-06 天安門廣場學運,學生手挽手,阻擋憤怒群眾去追逐一組撤退士兵(美聯社馬克艾佛瑞攝)
小肉球評:這是22年前美聯社記者拍的照片,學生有武器嗎,不理性嗎,當時民運只有小貓幾隻嗎?六四學運一直平和,但 1989/6/2,即 6/4 的前兩天,北京市民開始憤怒了,因為人民解放軍在 6/2 做了兩件事:一是人民解放軍的吉普軍撞死抗議學生,揚長而去;二是人民解放軍在 6/2 對北京新華門抗議學生施放摧淚彈,竟然射中一名女學生導致重傷,所以北京市民才憤怒,學生努力維持和平。(引述聯合報記者孟玄)
The cables, obtained by WikiLeaks and released exclusively by The Daily Telegraph, partly confirm the Chinese government's account of the early hours of June 4, 1989, which has always insisted that soldiers did not massacre demonstrators inside Tiananmen Square.
Instead, the cables show that Chinese soldiers opened fire on protesters outside the centre of Beijing, as they fought their way towards the square from the west of the city.
Three cables were sent from the US embassy on June 3, in the hours leading up to the suppression, as diplomats realised that the final showdown between the protesters and soldiers was looming. The cables described the "10,000 to 15,000 helmeted armed troops" moving into the city, some of whom were "carrying automatic weapons". Meanwhile, "elite airborne troops" and "tank units" were said to be moving up from the south.
The army came up against "an elaborate system of blockades", described in a cable from May 21, 1989, which allowed students to "control much of central Beijing".
Diplomats observed that "there were buses turned sideways to form roadblocks" and students had vowed the army would not be able to cross. "But we doubt it", one cable added. Students also used teams of motorcycle couriers to communicate with the roadblocks, sending reinforcements where needed.
As the troops moved in, the cables stated that diplomatic staff were repeatedly warned to "stay at home" unless involved in front-line reporting. "The situation in the centre of the city is very confused," said a cable from June 3. "Political officers at the Beijing Hotel reported that troops are pushing a large crowd east on Chang'an avenue. Although these troops appear not to be firing on the crowd, they report firing behind the troops coming from the square".
Inside the square itself, a Chilean diplomat was on hand to give his US counterparts an eyewitness account of the final hours of the pro-democracy movement.
"He watched the military enter the square and did not observe any mass firing of weapons into the crowds, although sporadic gunfire was heard. He said that most of the troops which entered the square were actually armed only with anti-riot gear – truncheons and wooden clubs; they were backed up by armed soldiers," a cable from July 1989 said.
「他目睹軍隊開進廣場,沒有看到武器向群眾大舉開火,雖然聽見零星槍炮聲響。他說開進廣場的部隊實際上大多只擁有鎮暴裝備──警棍和木製棍棒;他們後頭有武裝軍隊支援」,一份 1989-07 的電文說。
The diplomat, who was positioned next to a Red Cross station inside Tiananmen Square, said a line of troops surrounded him and "panicked" medical staff into fleeing. However, he said that there was "no mass firing into the crowd of students at the monument".
According to internal Communist party files, released in 2001, 2,000 soldiers from the 38th army, together with 42 armoured vehicles, began slowly sweeping across the square from north to south at 4.30am on June 4. At the time, around 3,000 students were sitting around the Monument to the People's Heroes on the southern edge of the giant square, near Chairman Mao's mausoleum.
Leaders of the protest, including Liu Xiaobo, the winner of last year's Nobel Peace prize, urged the students to depart the square, and the Chilean diplomat relayed that "once agreement was reached for the students to withdraw, linking hands to form a column, the students left the square through the south east corner." The testimony contradicts the reports of several journalists who were in Beijing at the time, who described soldiers "charging" into unarmed civilians and suggests the death toll on the night may be far lower than the thousands previously thought.
In 2009, James Miles, who was the BBC correspondent in Beijing at the time, admitted that he had "conveyed the wrong impression" and that "there was no massacre on Tiananmen Square. Protesters who were still in the square when the army reached it were allowed to leave after negotiations with martial law troops [ ...] There was no Tiananmen Square massacre, but there was a Beijing massacre".
Instead, the fiercest fighting took place at Muxidi, around three miles west of the square, where thousands of people had gathered spontaneously on the night of June 3 to halt the advance of the army.
According to the Tiananmen Papers, a collection of internal Communist party files, soldiers started using live ammunition at around 10.30pm, after trying and failing to disperse the crowd with tear gas and rubber bullets. Incredulous, the crowd tried to escape but were hampered by its own roadblocks.
The cables also reveal the extent to which the student democracy protests had won popular support, and how for several weeks the protesters effectively occupied the whole of central Beijing, posing an existential challenge to the Communist party.
One cable, from May 21, 1989, reports that an anonymous caller had told the US consulate in Shenyang that Ni Zhifu, the chairman of China's labour unions, had condemned martial law in the capital and warned that unless the students were treated with more respect he would lead a general workers' strike that would cripple China.
一份發於 1989-05-21 的電文報告說,美國瀋陽使館接到一通匿名電話,說中華全國總工會主席倪志福已強烈譴責北京市執行戒嚴,並警告政府對抗議學生多展現一點尊重,否則他會帶頭發動全國罷工來癱瘓中國。
在 1989-06-04,有名智利外交官說他人在天安門廣場以內,並不在天安門廣場之外,他說他只聽聞零星槍砲聲,解放軍並沒有拿槍對抗議學生掃射。《每日電訊》記者說中共殺很大,但在那個時間點沒在天安門廣場以內範圍殺,是在北京市其他地區殺,他說應該沒有天安門大屠殺事件,應該改名叫六四北京事件。
該士兵在休假期間,其服役單位透過地方官員傳達命令,要求他不得在村中對任何人談及軍中的事情。他母親也被告知要保持沉默。 |