向各位妈妈请教,宝宝28个月,准备送去幼儿园,离家最近的就是glenfield的camrose kids了,请问这个幼儿园怎么样?有去过的妈妈吗?个人感觉还不错,非常新。
这个幼儿园3岁以下,short day 6.5个小时,2天120,3天175,4天210,5天235,这样的收费怎么样?贵?适中?
另外,材料上写着“fees are charged for statutory holidays and all days that your child is unable to attend due to illness or any other reason",请问大部分的幼儿园都有这样的条款吗?
fees are charged for statutory holidays and all days that your child is unable to attend due to illness or any other reason
少数CHARGE半价或者给MAKE UP DAY作者: bbgrifter 时间: 2015-1-12 10:15:09