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clam 发表于 2014-12-3 14:39 
我那個1200 是含水費.... i think that's pretty cheap.
yes very,因为通常1-2bedroom(s)的unit/apartment 水费大约800-1200一年,还有保险,基本上你的是免费了。所以你的unit 的bodycorp很可能就是业主自发组织的?因为bodycorp不需要注册,
What is the body corporate?
The body corporate is an entity made up of all the unit owners in a unit title development - if you are a unit owner, then you are also a member of the body corporate.
A body corporate is automatically created when a unit title development is created (specifically, when the unit plan for the development is deposited with Land Information New Zealand). This is usually done by the developer – a body corporate does not need to do anything else to register its existence.
Every unit title development has a body corporate, whether or not the body corporate is functional. If you don’t have a functional body corporate, you can find some tips on getting things up and running below.
Bodies corporate have “perpetual succession”, meaning they have their own identity and continue to exist despite changes in membership. When a unit owner sells their unit they are no longer a member of the body corporate, and the new unit owner becomes a member of the body corporate.
Professionals such as building managers and body corporate managers are not members of the body corporate, but they can be engaged to carry out some of the body corporate’s responsibilities on its behalf. You can find out more about building managers and body corporate managers below and see the Service Contracts page.
What does the body corporate do?
A body corporate is not the same as other corporations, such as companies or incorporated societies. It is a “creature of statute”, meaning a body corporate only exists because of the Act. The ability for a body corporate to act and the limits on its actions are set by statute.
The body corporate is responsible for a range of management, financial and administrative functions relating to the common property and to the development as a whole. These functions mainly relate to the things all unit owners have a shared interest in – land, money, other property – which is why all unit owners are members of the body corporate |