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本帖最后由 songinator 于 2014-5-27 14:31 编辑
漏水房是个错误的通俗的称谓 是一个统称而已 实际上是指 --- 在9X年到03-04这段期间在老的building code下建的房子的一个统称 因为这些房子的木头框架没有经过防腐处理 所以一旦漏水 就会腐烂 所以要recladding 然后replace rotted timber frame
What is a Free Drainage Cavity System?
In 2004, councils passed new regulations for plaster system houses requiring that a cavity be formed between the plaster cladding and the exterior timber framing. This is a cavity of approximately 20mm or greater which is formed between the exterior cladding of a building and the structural framing, using tanalised timber battens or similar.
This allows any water that does enter in through the exterior cladding to escape through the cavity before reaching the main timber structure. This cavity also allows for greater air circulation which assists in preserving the integrity of timber framed houses.
Many plaster system houses built prior to 2004 have not been constructed using a free drainage cavity system.
05年以后code compliance certificate的都必须有 不然拿不到ccc
95-05年之间的即使有ccc 木头也没有经过处理 任何cladding(外墙)都一样 我个人不敢买 如果真差那钱然后自住的话 建议找专业的builder去检测 不过builder跟我说non invasive 也就是不拆外墙的方式做的检测都很难保证里面什么情况 即使是moisture scan
而且最关键的是银行很可能不贷款给你 negotiation还好 可以放贷款的condition 如果auction就惨了
那个只能保证当时干 以后外墙或者防水铁皮一旦有漏水的情况 水进去就麻烦了 因为没有cavity 流出来 和 cavity所带来的通风效果
如果05的最好看ccc是什么时候的 再找builder看
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