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[拼车同游] 最近有人想去TAPO 滑雪的吗? |
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看最近之情况,敌人或要再来碰一下钉子,只要敌来犯,兄即到河东与弟等共同去牺牲。国家到了如此地步,除我等为其死,毫无其他办法。更相信只要我等能本此决心,我们的国家及我五千年历史之民族,决不致亡于区区三岛倭奴之手。为国家民族死之决心,海不清,石不烂,决不半点改变,愿与诸弟共勉之。 ---- 张自忠
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My new hypothesis: If we're built from Spirals while living in a giant Spiral, then is it possible that everything we put our hands to is infused with the Spiral?
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