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[其他] 唐氏综合症的一点资讯 [复制链接]

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

升级  5.76%

发表于 2013-7-13 09:05:47 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 微信分享
今天刚好有这个慈善机构找到我DONATION, 相关妈妈们可以了解一下,或许会有帮助

What is Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is a life-long condition that causes delays in learning and development. It can’t be cured but problems can be eased if people with Down Syndrome have the right help and if other people have a positive accepting attitude. It occurs because cells contain an extra chromosome. It can occur in any family of any race, culture or religion and is never anyone’s fault. One baby in about 700 is born with Down Syndrome; that is one or more babies with Down Syndrome born every week. People with Down Syndrome are individuals and vary in their abilities and achievements. They are contributing members of society.

Who is NZ Down Syndrome Assoc. Inc?

The NZ Down Syndrome Association Inc is a nationwide family focussed organisation for those people whose lives have been changed by Down syndrome. It is not government funded and relies solely on public support, committed volunteers and potential donors like yourself, for the resources to maintain its informative programmes.  For further information visit www.nzdsa.org.nz or 0800693724

Our aim is to seek the support of the wider community to assist those young people with Down Syndrome to be part of the community.

One of the challenges that people with Down Syndrome experience is to access an ordinary life.  Many people don’t realise the potential of people with Down Syndrome and don’t understand the problems they face can be eased if people had a more positive and accepting attitude towards them, all they need is a chance!

This year our annual appeal is twofold;

(1) OUR FIRST is to hold our annual Youth Development Camp at Vaughan Park Retreat Centre, Long Bay Auckland on the 13th – 15th December 2013 supporting youth and young adults who have additional support needs.

The camps focus will be on Team Building – Self Esteem and gaining Independenceand Confidence.  We would like to invite up to 26 people from Auckland and throughout the North Island.

The cost of this Camp would be $550 per person.

We are asking this year, could we count on your support to help us give these young people an opportunity to feel PART OF OUR COMMUNITY.

(2) OUR SECOND is to produce a resource DVD Learn Through Play.  It will focus on children up to 6 years.  This DVD will assist parents on how to support their children with Down Syndrome by exploiting and enhancing natural play activities and daily routines through the addition of music and visual supports.

We would like to produce and distribute up to 500 of these DVD’s, but this will depend when funding is available.  The total cost for this project is $40,000.

To help raise funds this year a special Kids in Show Seats  live theatre production of Pinocchio will be stayed at ASB Logan Campbell Centre Greenlane on 17th August 2013.  These shows are a great entertainment for children and all sponsored tickets are sent to less fortunate children and other children’s charities. To sponsor 1/2/3 children would be$35/70/105.



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