本帖最后由 闪亮男孩 于 2013-4-9 07:23 编辑
AMICUS_LAW 发表于 2013-4-5 03:52 ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
您好,首先新西兰的合同法可以要求合同一方支付对另一方提供的租用品负责赔偿的要求的,因为可以理解为你先 ...
大律师 谢谢你的回复
我说这个东西是个service 是因为他不是租船 而是一个导游带我们出海。我们一举一动都是听导游的 旅游团性质的
为什么我说和consumer guarantee 有抵触呢
因为我觉得 这个service is not exercised with due care
to further interpret.
North land region Navigation Safety Bylaw 2012
No person shall, without reasonable excuse, propel or navigate a vessel
(including a vessel towing a person or an object) at a proper speed exceeding
5 knots:
(a) within 50 metres of any other vessel, raft, or person in the water; or
(b) within either 200 metres of the shore or of any structure, or on the
inshore side of any row of buoys demarcating that distance from the
shore or structure; or
(c) within 200 metres of any vessel or raft that is flying Flag A of the
International Code of Signals (divers’ flag).
其中A和B没有执行 导游带我们跑50/km以上 很多时候都是离岸边50米左右
而且我们之间互相距离也没有50 导游要我们之间互相距离15米就可以 (这是导致相互碰撞的主因)
同时也没任何communication device (advised by North regional council)
我和north regional council 咨询过 我们跑的海域 is not exempt from the clause specified above.
Hi there, thank you for your query. In answer to your questions: Speed limits do apply to the areas you specify within 200 metres of the shore, there are no exempted areas there. The nearest ski lane is at Te Ti Beach. Best Regards
Jim Lyle| Regional Harbourmaster
也就是说这个service本身不合法,同时相互碰撞也是directly 因为违规而造成的
如果counterclaim based on the above grounds
根据Consumer Guarantees act 和 illegal contracts act 1970 claim
1) The contract is not performed with due care and is breaching the associated safety rules
2) The contract has been performed illegally
请问大律师能点评下么 看这样机会大么 |