本帖最后由 king_990 于 2013-7-1 11:31 编辑
本人在读Physics Master 学生,在奥大曾担任Physics 120, 150, 160, and Advanced (stage 2 and 3) Lab Demonstrator, Tutor.
现任Physics Advanced Demonstrator。
Mathematics 数学:
102、108、 150、 162、 208、 250、 253、 260、 340、 361、362
Physics 物理:
102 - Basic Concepts of Physics
107 - Planets, Stars and Galaxies *个人感觉这门课是G类课程,不是有很多的学术含量,建议同学多看看书,应该不是问题。
120 - Physics of Energy
130 - Properties of Matter
150 - Physics of Technology
160 - Physics for the Life Science
Stage1 Lab Reports
251 - Quantum Physics
Stage2 Lab Reports
315 - Classical and Statistical Physics
325 - Electromagnetism
350 - Quantum Mechanics & Atomic Physics
355 - Condensed Matter & Sub Atomic Physics
390 - Stage3 Lab Reports
ACG,泰勒预科 或 Year 11,12,13: Calculus、Physics
$20一小时 one people for Stage 1,2,3 paper 两人以上$15/hr
外加: Maths 762 –Non-linear Partial Differential Equation Maths 789 –Inverse Problem Physics 701 –Linear System Physics 703 –Advantage Quantum Mechanics Physics 754 –Condensed Matter Physics Physics 756 –Nucleus Physics
费用:$30一小时 for 7XX paper
电话: 0211514091(短信必回) QQ: 892392729 E-mail: zwan139@aucklanduni.ac.nz |