
标题: 转速高 太高了 [打印本页]

作者: elffirevox    时间: 2009-9-8 21:56:16     标题: 转速高 太高了

我有个车 93年的 每次打火启动 转速2千 而且保持居高不下
请问达人 为何 不胜感激 顺带说一下 刚换的机油
作者: 爱无限    时间: 2009-9-8 22:32:28

作者: bigcat8686    时间: 2009-9-8 22:49:40

2K 正常吧~而且都93的车子了 很8错咯
作者: Dollsdream    时间: 2009-9-9 00:57:28

作者: 二少爷    时间: 2009-9-9 02:02:35

节气门 脏不?
作者: elffirevox    时间: 2009-9-9 11:56:23

感谢楼上诸位的意见 不过其中不包括鄙视93年的车的那位 难道你自己开的是09年的AUDI?
作者: 虾米    时间: 2009-9-9 14:09:39

原帖由 bigcat8686 于 2009-9-8 21:49 发表
2K 正常吧~而且都93的车子了 很8错咯
作者: ☆小♂昕☆    时间: 2009-9-9 16:50:17


作者: elffirevox    时间: 2009-9-9 16:59:37

半个小时可能不至于 但是我热车5分钟 还是2千 哈哈 噪声不小
作者: ☆小♂昕☆    时间: 2009-9-9 17:00:36

作者: $ZERO$    时间: 2009-9-9 21:13:27

作者: jimmyzhou    时间: 2009-9-9 22:23:52

看看是化油器的,还是电喷的,电喷的要调怠速, 化油器的话要看一下choke了.
作者: starxcn    时间: 2009-9-9 22:59:13

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作者: MOTOAUTO    时间: 2009-9-9 23:41:34

作者: provenco    时间: 2009-9-10 22:52:50

读一下ECU的fault code。
昨天读了一下code说是IACV的毛病,准备周六pick a part,估计10刀左右吧。
作者: elffirevox    时间: 2009-9-20 19:15:16

感谢楼上 过两天我去检查一下
作者: provenco    时间: 2009-9-20 22:00:57

你的车子搞好了吗??我昨天晚上弄了弄,现在车子一点问题都没有了。我比较懒,没有把步骤记下来,不过你可以参考这个,*** How-To*** Clean Your FITV aka Fast Idle Thermo Valve
First things first, you have to determine if your FITV needs cleaning. Now if you’ve never done it before it probably does unless you bought a complete new one.

Reasons why you should take it apart and cleaning it:

-High idle before your car warms up, above 1500-1800rpm
-Lumpy idle
-Roaming idle
-Hunting idle
-Fluctuating idle

Tools Needed:

8mm Socket
10mm Socket
Flathead Screwdriver
Throttle Body Cleaner or Brake Cleaner
Paper Towels
A cooled down engine for at least 2 hours

1) Now you got to locate where the FITV is. If your car is 1996 and newer you don’t have one. But for the older Gen 3 models like me, we do. Pop your hood and it’s located directly beneath the throttle body. It’s actually connected to it.

Attached to the FITV is one coolant line. This is how it looks with the intake on

This is how it looks with the intake removed

2) Now that we’ve located it, Remove your intake and strut tower bar (if applicable). Next remove the one coolant hose that is attached to it, using the pliers to loosen the clip. Have lots paper towels underneath to catch the coolant when it leaks out.

3) Next is to remove the three 10mm bolts located at the bottom of the FITV. **Note the intake manifold here is upside down to make it easier for you to see**

After it is removed from the engine it should look like this

Now spin it around to located the two 8mm bolts

4) After you located those two bolts remove them carefully and you should be left with this. Sorry for the blurry picture, I was cold and shivering.

5) Now unscrew it with a screwdriver

You should be left with this

6) Now take it apart and give it a good cleaning with the throttle body or brake cleaner. This is what we should have taken apart so far minus the cap and two 8mm bolts



Semi put back together and cleaned

All cleaned up and back together

7) Clean up the inside of the FITV body like so

8) Now screw it all the way back in or back to where it was before if your car idles fine.

Side view shot through the hole. It isn’t screwed in all the way since my car idles fine at that position. Screw it in more if your car idles to high. The opposite if it idles to low.

9) Now put the cap back on and tighten the two 8mm bolts back down.

10) Reinstall the FITV back on your car following steps backwards from step 3 to step 1

作者: elffirevox    时间: 2009-9-24 08:06:48

不管是不是转载 我都被感动了 谢谢楼上这么尽力帮忙! 再不弄弄车 就实在对不起诸位了!
作者: 跆拳道俊少    时间: 2009-9-24 09:00:01

作者: bigphoto    时间: 2009-9-27 21:55:44


还有一个可能是水温感应器坏了。。但 9 3 年的车我想怠速阀的问题多一点。。
作者: bigphoto    时间: 2009-9-27 22:00:10


作者: elffirevox    时间: 2010-6-13 11:51:45

我进来报告一下 车被偷了。。。。
作者: pp2222    时间: 2010-6-13 12:08:19

作者: elffirevox    时间: 2010-6-13 17:46:03

;cry; 停在路边 早上起来 没了
打电话报警 警察说半个小时以前已经接到加油站的报警了 说是这个车加油没给钱
相当郁闷中 偷嘛偷点好车撒
作者: BBBBBB    时间: 2010-6-13 19:56:39

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作者: iori1211    时间: 2010-6-13 23:02:47

汗,,,LZ的什么车吖。。。 刚说着转速 怎么就被偷了 晕。。
作者: elffirevox    时间: 2010-6-13 23:58:40

转着转着转的我也晕了 早上起来 车没了 确实是honda civic
唉 好像也太好偷了点 不过也是我不好 车门没锁 我还想呢 这烂车谁要啊

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