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[软件] The Taxonomy of IT professionals(From SlashDot) [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

升级  99.6%

发表于 2009-7-4 01:03:27 |只看该作者 |正序浏览 微信分享
Engineerus Originalus:

Atthe very pinnacle of the IT world, these are the people who invent thethings that the rest of the IT world relies on for THEIR jobs. The oneswho truly deserve the word "engineer" in their job titles. They workfor places like Intel, Google, Microsoft, Cisco, etc. Getting hererequires nothing less than a Master's degree.

Managerius Pseudogeek:

Thesepeople got a four-year CS degree and jumped straight into the jobmarket. They lack the rigors of graduate school, and the practicalknowledge that comes with real job experience and/or industrycertifications. A lot of front-line software developers fall into thiscategory, though all the really good ones actually belong to thespecies Scholarus Basementi (see below). In a healthy andgrowing economy, these folks can get jobs in a variety of fields, fromwebdev to DBA. In a down economy, they are frequently passed over byexperienced people who are already in the industry and desperate to dowhatever is necessary to stay there. It should be noted that thisspecies belongs to the Genus Managerius because four-yeardegrees carry power in the corporate world, but these individuals lackthe real intellectual rigor to rise to the top of their fieldstechnically. This leaves middle management as the usual endpoint fortheir careers.

Genericus Certificans:

Probably thesingle largest species of IT professional, they bear a greatsuperficial resemblance to Scholarus Basementi but lack the distinctivecolors, odors, and sounds that Basemeni uses to distinguish itself wheninteracting socially. Many have two year Associate CS degrees, but themajority can be identified by the way they build their nests out of anaccumulation of IT industry certifications. If you look inside theircubicle and find both Project+ AND "IBM Certified Solution Designer"certificates posted up then you know you've identified a Certificans.Older members of the species will still proudly display their NovellCNAs. Virtually all IT professionals with the word "Administrator" intheir job title belong to this species, though the ones thatself-identify as "BOFH" will desperately try to pass themselves off as Basmenti.

Scholarus Basmenti

Thisspecies is entirely self-taught, and their individual skill levels varywildly. The less able members of this species frequently flock aroundthe more advanced individuals in order to camouflage their weaknesses.These packs of Basmenti, led by an Alpha, are highlyterritorial and competitive. It is believed that their incessant desireto compete for control over FOSS projects or to get credit for "cleverhacks" is rooted in their job insecurity. Those who are not unemployedare often found working entry-level helpdesk jobs. Those who do bettereconomically are typically Alphas who went out and obtained a degree oran industry certification to validate their ample innate talents. Basmenti can easily be distinguished from Certificans when asked about their credentials. While Certificans will speak proudly of their achievements, Basmentiwill ridicule their own credentials as "worthless paper" or boast abouthow they passed their exams hung over without bothering to study.Occasionally, especially talented Basmenti who also showaptitude forming healthy human relationships will be able to obtainVenture Capital and will eventually rise to the very top of the "FooChain." Once at this point, they will spend lots of the "Foo's" moneyto hire members of all three other species, who will look at theunschooled savant with naked resentment and envy.

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