本帖最后由 匿名 于 2015-7-11 21:09 编辑
已经给editor 写了EMAIL
底下是给editor写的信 因为太生气了所以有点语无伦次
Dear Anne,
I am writing to you regarding of the article which I have read on NZ herald website. Its headline is - Special investigation: Auckland house prices. I feel quite offended with this article. It is far from truth. It is simply racist, misleading, and biased. it is to lead people believe that 9% Chinese people bought 39.5% houses in Auckland. More over in the article says similar trend appears in a frequency comparison of buyers' names Chinese names make up about eight out of the 20 most common ones among Auckland residents but fill 19 of the top 20 places for house buyers.It gives people impression of Chinese people are buying all the property on the market. But the article only give one sentence about the most important information-'It is not known if the Chinese buyers were based here or overseas'.
Isn't it change of subject, isn't it racist! Do people really care about are they Chinese descent or not? Is it important?What is far more important is are overseas investor is buying New Zealand property. That is what can significantly affect New Zealand housing market.
Also in my opinion In fact the last name didn't represent anything than assumption. Do you have more information about the property buyers, were they born in NZ,were they NZ resident, immigrated to NZ, or are they overseas investors?They all can share a same Surname. But are they the same? Of course not. Let me put it clear, do people have a Surname of 'Li' naturally suggests he or she is not a New Zealander. No. He or she could be a New Zealander, or an American, or spouse of a person with Chinese descendant, or with any other nationality.
It's very unacceptable for a New Zealand National wide Newspaper to publish biased and racist article like this. NZ herald has breached common Journalism ethics and standard-truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, fairness. I feel very disappointed about NZ herald ,this types of article is not news, it's the manipulation of data. It is not fair to every New Zealander who has a Chinese or Chinese Like surname. It certain harm NZ herald's reputation.
Therefore I request a writing apology to be published on NZ herald to everyone who lives in New Zealand has a Chinese or Chinese like surname.