... over-says-john-key/
[size=1.0625]ANZ bank chairman Sir John Key says house price growth is now unsustainable. [size=1.0625]"The rapid rise in house prices is not sustainable and it can't and will not continue," he said. [size=1.0625]"I don't know that we'll see a tremendously big correction. But I think the boom run's over." [size=1.0625]Former Prime Minister Key was speaking (via Zoom) at the launch of a new NZ Initiative report looking at the risk of another Global Financial Crisis. [size=1.0625]There were many reasons for that view on house prices, he said. [size=1.0625]Interest rates are starting to track up, the Reserve Bank was starting to employ other tools (like debt to income ratios) to restrict lending. [size=1.0625]Land supply was also one of the big factors and was being opened up. [size=1.0625]"And we don't have migration running at levels near we've had it, in fact, it's very low. So if you put in all of those factors I think that you're going to see house prices top out," he said. [size=1.0625]"I personally don't think house prices will collapse. I think that's a good thing because you don't want to leave a whole lot of New Zealanders with negative equity. [size=1.0625]However, he was wary of predicting a financial crisis was likely in the near term. [size=1.0625]Even a stopped clock was right twice a day, Key said. [size=1.0625]So he didn't intend to make predictions or say "there will be a GFC tomorrow or there has to be a crisis coming or everything is wrong with the world per se." [size=1.0625]But the issues the report canvassed around debt and asset bubbles could not be ignored, he said. [size=1.0625]"The simple reality is they present the ingredients for what could be a very dark time in our economic future if we're either not careful or [not] lucky."