Here girls get for free from 12 years old to 19years old...
And the 12-year-olds get Gardasil at school.
Or they can get Gardasil at Family Planning or any GPs.
Gardasil is not funded for girls 20 or more year old in NZ... And you said "好多国家"...even Taiwan, China or Hong Kong don't have Gardasil for free ah...
Although Australia they started giving Gardasil to boys too (from last year)
hpv human papilloma virus是导致宫颈炎的一种病毒,而宫颈炎可以发展为宫颈癌。所以通过预防病毒可以大大降低(不是完全避免)宫颈癌的几率
so, 同ls, 如果你只有一个性伴侣,而且100%确定你老公没有出轨而且将来,不一定要打