- 114961
- 热情
- 20
- 人气
- 10
- 主题
- 0
- 帖子
- 54
- 精华
- 2
- 积分
- 20
- 分享
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- 日志
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- 在线时间
- 28 小时
- 注册时间
- 2007-4-13
- 阅读权限
- 20
- 最后登录
- 2009-4-26

升级   50% - UID
- 114961
- 热情
- 20
- 人气
- 10
- 主题
- 0
- 帖子
- 54
- 精华
- 2
- 积分
- 20
- 阅读权限
- 20
- 注册时间
- 2007-4-13
今天惠灵顿的支持奥运集会浩浩荡荡来了不下500人. 走进集会场即可感受到中华游子们热血沸腾的情绪.
走进集会场这一刻, 心情澎湃, 热血沸腾!

这一刻, 所有人都高举手中的旗帜向世人展示自己的爱国心!

这一刻, 你高喊: We Love CHINA, ONE CHINA!

这一刻, 响亮的口号让我紧握手中的相机, 坚定的抓下他们最美的一面!

这一刻, 即使你倚在角落, 所有人都可以看到Go CHINA, Go BeiJing, Go OLYMPICS!

这一刻, 汗水从脸颊滑落, 却浇不灭火热的心!

这一刻, 独自站在广场的末端的你, 身影却如此高大!

这一刻, 你是最伟大的母亲, 祖国花朵额头上的国旗与你灿烂的笑容让人感动!

这一刻, 手中的国旗没有放下, 却依旧提起笔留下对祖国的支持!

这一刻, 即使只有一个名字写在横幅上, 留下的意义却很多!

这一刻, 你在告诉世界我们的爱国心!

这一刻, 你在从容的揭露谎言, 告知祖国只有一个!

这一刻, 相机已经超越了它的能力, 无法记录你们的呐喊声!

集会视频, 由Skykiwi会员巴菲特, 该隐的记号提供
点击收看晚间TV 3 NEWS报道.

Around 700 people, mainly Chinese students marched through the streets of Wellington today in support of the Beijing Olympics.
The protestors say New Zealanders are getting distorted messages through the media about china.
Meanwhile, the Olympic torch has arrived in Japan where it continues to attract protest.
Jun Feng Wu, an international politics student at VictoriaUniversity reinforces the message that today’s marchers took to thestreets.
Like other gatherings in recent weeks among China’s ex-patriotcommunities, these people say, this is not a political protest butpolitics are unavoidable.
Many of the placards claimed media were distorting China's human rights record.
One protester claimed that: “New Zealand media have been blind folded. They don't know the truth.”
The Chinese government has been accused of encouraging itsex-patriot communities to represent them in protest, but protestorganisers claimed that was not the case.
The colourful protest, with rousing patriotic songs drew the attention of weekend shoppers who had mixed feelings about it.
Therewas no sign of any counter gathering of pro Tibet supporters - theywill be watching developments in Beijing where officials say they willnow at least meet with the Dalai Lama.
In the meantime, the Olympic torch has made its way to Nagano Japanwhere supporters and protestors were kept in order after the lessons ofLondon and Paris.
Chinese protestors here say they will send a signed banner to Beijing to show their support for the Olympic Games. |