[size=13.3333px]Providing a quote to repair a roof leak is very difficult as often the cause is not obvious and as such we need to remove a roof sheet ( or nails, screws roof tiles etc ) to locate the cause. [size=13.3333px]Often when we locate the cause it is being repaired as we put the roof back together. [size=13.3333px]If we are not repairing we have at least diagnosed the cause of the water entry and can provide a report and advise on what is required for a longterm repair. [size=13.3333px]We are required to wear harness gear for health and safety reasons. [size=13.3333px]The cost for callout is $120.00 + gst with extra charges depending on what is required to track the leak to an entry point, the charges being determined by how long this work takes, height and pitch of the roof as well as any materials used to repair / temporary repair. [size=13.3333px]On average the full cost to carry out the above diagnosis, temp repair or repair comes to between 280.00 + gst
to $500.00 + gst
[size=13.3333px]来了不到一小时,没使用安全带,因为房顶坡度小,用梯子直接上去, [size=13.3333px]把瓦片扒开,没看到明显漏水问题,判断是因为几片叶子阻塞了水道,导致水流改向引起的漏水,又把瓦片装回去,吹了几片叶子下来, [size=13.3333px]收费280+gst,合理吗?合理就付掉,不合理建议如何处理?谢谢大家指点
补充内容 (2024-6-7 13:29):
这是第二家得call out解释:
The $195.00 charge covers us arriving, assesing the leak and replacing up to 4 tiles. If the leak can be fixed on the spot, we will do so under this charge.
补充内容 (2024-6-9 09:51):
补充内容 (2024-6-9 09:55):
补充内容 (2024-6-9 09:57):
补充内容 (2024-6-9 09:59):
补充内容 (2024-6-9 10:00):
留学生时期,对房屋中介忍气吞声了一次。此后遇到的各种刺客,维权从来没有输过,这次也不会例外。除了维权,更会将案例和这个商户广泛宣传 |