本帖最后由 Chomroeun 于 2020-9-9 18:24 编辑 1 |2 m9 A* D9 \; ~& K; |" p
4 a- p0 N0 r: C$ c5 n
西区Kelston, 5 h- h: m, O. ?* R. }$ H. B4 |现有明亮整洁的1个双人房和一厅的unit出租,房内有卫浴,独立厨房。近巴士站,开车5分钟到LynMall, 院内停车,安全安静,包括基本家具。Tel:0212304676 0 D2 S, f" o+ `% b v
we're looking for couple or single, who are working people and would like to live in this clean and tidy evironment. , \$ A' _ Q) e6 `8 Pfor couple $295 per week, and single $250.. 4 a9 }3 b- Y/ s1 H6 T6 |: l) [