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话说子华其中一个投资房欢天喜地拿到CCC (5,Jun 2018), 以为一切都过去了,然后就开开心心建了一个铁皮屋在旁边用于储物只用 (12SQM)。
今天, 子华收到康扫一封信说子华没有根据图纸, re-grass concrete area 同时看到一个违建的铁皮屋, 要求拆掉铁皮屋和重做草皮:
You are required to within 8 weeks to remove the shed and regrass the concreted areas in accordance with the approved plans which are attached in this email.
Conditions of resource consents are designed to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on our environment, and must be legally complied with under sections 9 and 338 of the Resource Management Act 1991. If you believe you will not be able to meet the time frame imposed please contact me immediately to discuss.
Note that failure to comply with this request may result in formal enforcement action. Please contact me if you have any queries as a result of this letter.
子华即刻问呢个officer, 谁要求你做inspection? 为什么没有通知房东和租客?
The final inspection for resource consent is done by council a few months or years after the CCC is issued, this is done to ensure that no changes were made to the dwelling after the CCC was issued . As for informing the landlord/tenant, council is not required to make an appointment as the consent is still open and in monitoring phase which legally allows officers to visit the site.
这里想请问一下, BC 拿到CCC之后都有人上门做RC的inspection是否例行公事?
如果不是, 那就是有人投诉然后Council上门搞事情? 朋友们有遇到过相似问题的吗? 谢谢咯 |