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kuailexiaozhu 2013-6-19 21:34:03
cnz01 2013-6-14 15:20:38
求PM可靠装修一条龙团队 and broker 谢谢
Propertyjo 2013-5-7 18:07:44
Hi Mark,

i am the business partner of Squirrel. i guess you may applied through online or one of our advisers? i am not sure what happened as i don't know your case. i am in charge of Asia market, i do deal with all my clients by myself. if there is anything you think i can help, i will be more than happy to do so.
bungyjumping999 2013-5-7 11:43:20
hi Jo,
do you handle loan application yourself? i recently used squirrel and didn't get the loan approved, i was disappointed of the mere admin job that they do, i then approach different bank personally and they approve me the loan. just wondering what is going on? Do you personally involve in loan application when you recommend squirrel?  Thanks.  
Mark. my email is amazonal@hotmail.com
Propertyjo 2013-3-19 23:12:48
大帅 email那了
大帅 2013-3-18 00:14:36
您好,Jo精算师,刚才拜读完您对投资房产的看法和分析,非常棒!真的很佩服您的头脑和理念。 请允许我自我介绍一下,我叫Ricky,家住在albany的oteha。 我现在也想入手一个投资房,也市场上看了好久,预批下来也N久了,60万。加上手里的一点现金,能给到60中。但是就是找不到一个称心如意的。 我家在北岸,所以Sunnynook,F/Hill的房子肯定是我的首选,而在这个市场“火热”的情况,经常一次被一次的踢出Auction. 在此之后我就开始找Birkenhead,beachheaven的投资房,必定方便出租,因为上下高速,还有公交都比较方便。 我 ... ...

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