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bungyjumping999 2013-4-24 00:58:38
紫色夕阳: 我们在隔壁38号拍卖完后(64万)曾经给过2个OFFER给屋主(40 exmouth rd),如果我没有记错的话是66万左右的无条件OFFER,但是屋主要80万以上。
ok, thks.
Thank you for all the information, really.
bungyjumping999 2013-4-24 00:35:50
紫色夕阳: 我也觉得空房的MARKETING会更好做,事实上越方便中介带客人看房子,那房子卖出的几率就越高,价格也越好。除非你的出租回报率非常好,那KEEP租客才有意义,不然的 ...
Last yr or so, jim tried to sell a house at exmouth rd ( @ 700k), just wondering why was it not sold?
bungyjumping999 2013-4-24 00:34:24
紫色夕阳: 我也觉得空房的MARKETING会更好做,事实上越方便中介带客人看房子,那房子卖出的几率就越高,价格也越好。除非你的出租回报率非常好,那KEEP租客才有意义,不然的 ...
i just sign the greenhithe purchase today... still have some thinking to do for the next move etc.
bungyjumping999 2013-4-24 00:32:53
紫色夕阳: 我也觉得空房的MARKETING会更好做,事实上越方便中介带客人看房子,那房子卖出的几率就越高,价格也越好。除非你的出租回报率非常好,那KEEP租客才有意义,不然的 ...
yes, i prefer vacant. Rent is low compare with current market price for this property. but hugh potentials.
tenant wants to buy the house from me,  but i think they can't afford it now.
紫色夕阳 2013-4-24 00:24:53
bungyjumping999 2013-4-24 00:17:33
紫色夕阳: 你希望近期上市还是等到租约到期以后呢?
if tenant is there, very inconvenient, i think it will affect marketing and sales price..... dilema at the moment....
bungyjumping999 2013-4-24 00:06:01
紫色夕阳: 现在这个市场,大地就是一个很好的SELLING POINT了,不知道房子的屋况怎么样?我们在卖房子时,很多时候从客人装修房子或做花园的时候我们就会参与进去,毕竟我们 ...
yes, true. At the moment is tenanted. Tenancy ends in 15 august.
Thinking to sell as is where is. Will do some tidy up.
bungyjumping999 2013-4-23 23:20:16
紫色夕阳: 不知道你说的unique是什么的样的类型,14 CITY VIEW PL就属于比较特别的房子,还有我们去年底卖的7B RAYMOND TCE,NORTHCOTE也是属于比较特别的房子。GREENHITHE ...
i meant unique is land is big 920sm, house is old house built in 70s, land needs to tidy up a bit.
bungyjumping999 2013-4-23 21:58:00
紫色夕阳 : 其实你可以上我们公司的网站看看他们的销售记录和现在正在负责的房源就就知道了。victor也是一个很好的SALES,不过我觉得他应该更擅长在于一些比较大的土地销售以 ... thks. i understand. is not easy to choose who to market the property. But, i have dealt with barfoot before and is quite happy with the company overall.  This is a unique property, really need to find the right person to market. i already bought a property at greenhithe. ... ...
bungyjumping999 2013-4-23 20:18:24
i am not sure about jim, is he good?. is victor good? heard he sold a lot of houses in the area? thanks.

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