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分享 会计小知识 2----GST
shirley_zhou 2013-1-8 21:39
会计小知识 2----GST Q: Do you need to register for GST? A: you need to register for GST if you carry out a "taxable activity" and if your "turnover": 1. was over $60,000 for the last 12 months, or 2. is expected ...
个人分类: 会计知识|299 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 会计小知识-----文件保存
shirley_zhou 2013-1-8 21:37
会计小知识-----文件保存 You must keep GST records and paperwork: in New Zealand in the English language, and for seven years unless you get written permission from us to do otherwise. 各位生意朋友们请注意了:一般而言,在新西兰,你要把自己的生意的收入和开支的收据,以及和税 ...
个人分类: 会计知识|223 次阅读|0 个评论

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