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gengys 2012-10-2 22:56
天空少尉: 谢谢你的帮助。我的两个学位的确可以找到更好的工作。
而且我的英语语法不是很好,那家洋人的pizza店能很好的improve我的英 ...
gengys 2012-6-6 13:11
天空少尉: 谢谢你。~我懂!现在毕业成绩出来。正在仿徨中。感觉pizza店不是自己的归宿。
how is your results? what qualification you have? come for a chat if you need some help for interview tips. you can work hospitality industry while study but it is not the right choice once you gratuated from university. try to find some jobs more related to your study. It will really challenge your nerves when you start to hunt a good job. i am working in city, if you need some help. give a call 021 0488746. steven. good luck, bro. don't let ur parents down and more important don't give up.
cloudyfly 2012-6-5 15:14
加油, 自己对得起自己就好了
安睿清 2012-6-5 11:39
不知道说什么 总之能够认清自己的过去 就有能力展望自己的未来 我支持你 加油
gengys 2012-6-1 13:46
天空少尉: 谢谢你的帮助。我的两个学位的确可以找到更好的工作。
而且我的英语语法不是很好,那家洋人的pizza店能很好的improve我的英 ...
good luck, mate. just feel we travel a long way to NZ with our parents' bless and wish. Don't let them down. give me a call if you have any questions. at least i am here over 10 years. ( have similar case like you but i walked out)
gengys 2012-5-31 14:10
bro, send me your CV. work hard to find a proper job. pizza deliver is not right way.

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