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分享 装空调了,宝宝们可以渡过温暖的冬季
2014-6-4 19:20
Mitssubushi heat pump 2600刀,实际就是空调了,有冷热风功能,在新西兰叫什么“热泵”,就是因为奥克兰很少用冷气?Anyway, 确实有效,宝宝们可以渡过温暖的冬季啦
个人分类: 幼儿园记录|277 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 Faith Homebased May 2013
2013-5-29 11:55
(为保护孩子隐私,文中均花名,如家长发现不妥,请告知) · MG Welcome MG to Faith’s home based childcare. We are so happy for you to join our family. MG is a very ...
个人分类: 幼儿园记录|487 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 新西兰的小学教育与中国的比较
2012-5-3 12:01
新西兰的小学教育与中国的比较  来源:天涯社区   新西兰的小学入学年龄是5岁,是6年制的教育。学生按照就近上学的原则,选择本区的学校。也许你会问,学校那么多,怎么知道一个学校的优劣呢?在新西兰,有一个教育评审办公室,对大部分的公立学校(包括幼儿教育、小学、初中、高中)进行了评审,评审报告在网上公 ...
个人分类: 教育文摘|335 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Childcare Monthly Report Selection 2
2012-4-22 17:07
30/04/2011 Time goes so fast: April comes to its end. It was a busy month. Isabel can speak and sing very well. She got more confidence and she is happy talking to everyone. She has been a very funny and lovely big girl. She likes reading by herself the books I read for her before ...
个人分类: 幼儿园记录|301 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Childcare Monthly Report Selection 1
2012-4-22 17:01
31/03/2011 March is a very busy and exciting month. Everyday we go to the Little Park to play on the playground and feed birds. We go once a week to Barnardos playgroup and library to listen to stories and songs. Yangyang can walk a few steps and can use a push-car to walk around ...
个人分类: 幼儿园记录|288 次阅读|0 个评论

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