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分享 Hobbit
mimi1948 2012-11-27 06:07
this weekend, Air New Zealand has Hobbit-themed Boeing 777-300. The 73-meter-long fuselage is painting with images the upcoming movie, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," the first of a trilogy. The aircraft will make an appearance at the movie's red carpet premiere in Wellington on No ...
个人分类: 旅游|180 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 好有办法的旅行
mimi1948 2012-6-10 10:31
据“中央社”报道,德国男子威格没带一毛钱便离开家乡柏林,一路上搭便车,以物易物,靠着搭船、飞机、汽车和徒步行经4万多公里,从欧洲游到加拿大和美国,接着穿越拉丁美洲,最后来到南极洲。   据报道,关于威格(Michael Wigge)旅行计划“如何免费环游世界”(How to Travel the World for Free)的一系列节目,利用威 ...
个人分类: 旅游|122 次阅读|0 个评论

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