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白色恋人 2014-11-13 22:49
你好,打搅了。与Ta牵手,成就一世情缘!免费相亲交友:http://asiafriendfinder.com/go/g1370442 人生情缘未可知,也许就在这里,你将找到自己的终身伴侣。祝您好运!
airy 2013-12-31 11:08
season_ji: no preference but don't be too extreme please
of course not, do you mind me asking what do you do? She works for goverment agent, good job, 1982, spend most her life in Christchurch and intend to stay there.
airy 2013-12-18 12:29
LZ, a good friend of mine lives in CHCH. Age wise, do you have any preference?

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