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大米小绿豆 2016-9-9 10:44
你好 考试考完了 就等家访了 枪柜怎么装啊,还有多长时间来家访啊 请问
wang137682037 2014-5-28 23:15
haloe22 2014-5-24 20:38
哥们你好 ,我也是天津的 ,想请问一下考枪证的情况 可以吗 方便给下联系方式吗 多谢了
Locality 2011-10-20 07:31
天津警备区: 兄弟,麻烦问一下。在不考虑价格前提下,哪个牌子的哪个镜环最好?也是国内的朋友托我打听。最好是钢的。谢谢
Best "Steel" rings are Badger Ordnance, Near and the new Barrett zero-set are also pretty good.  These are the bigger companies, and of course there are alot of smaller companies that also put out great products.

So~ when do I get to test out some of your friend's prototypes?

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