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会计 Kale 凯尔 Ping 2018-3-13 11:38
KALE 凯尔会计
地址: 268 New Windsor Rd, New Windsor, Auckland
电话: 09 6274419  手机: 021 269 1208 国粤英    微信号: kale268
会计 Kale 凯尔 Ping 2017-9-11 11:53
税务小常识之五:什么时候我们需要申报个人所得税 IR3 ?
Most people who earn salary or wages pay the correct amount of tax and don't need to do anything at the end of the tax year.
多数人领薪水或工资并且交税正确, 在财务年末不需要报IR3.
You'll need to file an IR3 for the following reasons: 在下述情况您需要填报个人所得税IR3:
You received income with no tax deducted. 您有未扣税的收入
You received schedular payments (formerly withholding payments). 您收到定期的款项
You received income from an estate and/or trust. 您有来自地产或基金的收入
You received shares from your employer for less than market value.您领取来自雇主的股份,低于市场价值.
You were assessed for provisional tax. 您已需要交付预缴税
You received overseas income which must be accounted for in New Zealand.您有海外收入,并且需要算入在新西兰的收入.
You have a loss to bring forward.您有往年结转下来的亏损
You have excess imputation credits to bring forward.您有多出来的imputation credits结转下来
Your balance date changed.您的财务截至日改变了
会计 Kale 凯尔 Ping 2017-9-11 11:12
税务小常识之四:关于 GST
Goods and services tax (GST) is a 15% tax added to the price of most goods and services in New Zealand, including most imported goods and some imported services. GST即为商品和服务税,按15%征收于大多数新西兰的商品和服务,包括多数进口商品和服务.
GST filing frequency: Monthly GST filing, Two-monthly GST filing & Six-monthly GST filing. GST 分一个月申报, 两个月申报和六个月申报.
会计 Kale 凯尔 Ping 2017-9-10 22:25
税务小常识之三:我们为什么要交税 ?
New Zealand's laws require people and organisations to pay tax. We collect taxes on behalf of the government, who use the money to benefit the New Zealand community. If people don't pay their fair share, everyone misses out.
This means that important public services such as education, hospitals and healthcare, roads and welfare could be underfunded. Almost all New Zealanders make a contribution to these services through the taxes we're required to pay.新西兰法律要求人们和组织交税. IRD代表政府收税, 政府将税收反馈于新西兰社会. 重要的公众服务如教育,医院和医疗保健,道路和福利的资金皆来源于此,几乎所有新西兰人通过纳税而为社会贡献.
会计 Kale 凯尔 Ping 2017-9-7 18:27
You'll need an IRD number if you:如下情况您需要税号
earn income from any source (including a job, benefit, pension or investments) 打工人士, 领福利金, 退休金或投资
join KiwiSaver 加入KiwiSaver
apply for a student loan, child support or Working for Families Tax Credits 申请学生贷款, 工作家庭退税
file tax returns 报税
buy, sell or transfer New Zealand property 在新西兰物业买卖交易
are starting up as self-employed.自雇佣
If you don't have an IRD number, your employer will deduct income tax at the highest non-declaration tax rate of 45%. You should also check with your bank about the rate they charge on tax. 如果没有税号, 您的雇主将会按最高的税率45% 扣工资税
会计 Kale 凯尔 Ping 2017-9-7 18:07
Tax codes, what they are and how they are used:
As a salary or wage earner your tax code is how your employer knows how much tax to deduct from your income. Different tax codes apply to different work situations, so it's important that you complete a Tax code declaration (IR330) form with the right tax code each time you get a new job. The tax code you use depends on how many sources of income you have and whether you have a student loan. 如果您领薪水或工资,扣税代码用于雇主从您的收入中扣税.您所用的扣税代码取决于您有多少种收入,和您是否有学生贷款.当新工作开始的时候,您需要填写表格IR330,告知雇主您的扣税代码.

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