本帖最后由 annie0002 于 2017-3-29 16:26 编辑
有关西5区 About West Area 5 (市中心区域、湖区 Hamilton Central, Hamilton Lake )
位于新西兰汉密尔顿市中心区域、包含湖区,融合了生活住宅区、商务区、零售区和娱乐设施。区域内有一些重点地标,例如怀卡托医院、中心商务区、Seddon公园、怀卡托体育场、怀卡托博物馆和中心图书馆,兼有Central Place购物广场、零售、超市、百货店以及电影院、剧场等娱乐场所。Victoria街周边拥有众多的中餐和西餐厅。 Rotoroa湖是汉密尔顿市重要的活动举办地和休闲健身场所,拥有环湖步道和公园,是每年一度的热气球节和华人环湖健跑活动的举办地。 区域内还拥有3所小学和中学,包括著名的汉密尔顿女子中学和怀卡托理工学院。 The West Area 5 is located in central Hamilton, and includes the central city and lake area. Given this location, it is a mixture of residential, business, retail and recreational facilities. There are several key locations in the area, including Waikato Hospital, the central city, Seddon Park, Waikato Stadium, Waikato Museum and Garden Place Library. There are numerous shopping and retail centres, including the CentrePlace shopping mall, and cafes, bars, restaurants and nightclubs along Victoria and Hood Streets, amongst others. There are various parks and recreation facility. Hamilton’s Lake Rotoroa is in the area, which is both used for water sports and those using the walkway surrounding it for sports and recreation. Parks such as Hinemoa Park, Lake Domain Reserve, Innes Common, and Gower Park are in the area. There are also other forms of entertainment and recreation including Founders and Clarence Street Theatres, as well as the Meteor and movie theatres. There are a number of historically significant buildings in the area including St Peter’s Cathedral. Local tertiary education provider WINTEC is located in West Area 5, as well as schools in the area including Hamilton Girl’ High School, Whitiora Primary School, and Hamilton West School.
人口状况 Demographic Information
文化的多样性 Cultural Diversity
A significant proportion of the population identify as European, but lower than the Hamilton average. There is a higher proportion of the population who identify as Asian, but a lower proportion who identify as Maaori or Pacific, compared to the Hamilton average
中位收入 Median Income
各小区统计数字不同,本区域内中位收入值大多接近和高于汉密尔顿平均值;年收入超过$50000新西兰元的群体人数比例高于汉密尔顿平均值;而年收入少于$20000新西兰元的人数比例低于汉密尔顿平均值 The median annual income varies across the area. There are a higher proportion of people on incomes above $50,000 than the Hamilton average, and less people on incomes of less than $20,000
就业与政府补贴 Employment and Receive Benefits
本区域的失业率低,从事职业的类型也与汉密尔顿平均状况不尽相同;同时本区域内,除NZ Super低于汉密尔顿平均之外,领取政府补贴的比例和汉密尔顿平均值持平。
The West Area 5 population have a lower unemployment rate, and a different employment picture from that of Hamilton. There are a lower proportion of those on Superannuation and a similar number of those receiving other benefits
社区安全 Neighbourhood Safety 社区安全问卷问题涉及被访问者的安全感受,包括是否经历过被犯罪侵害以及白天和夜晚时段对安全的感受;本区域内的受访者曾经被犯罪侵害的比例接近汉密尔顿平均值,对白天的安全感知程度也与汉密尔顿的平均值持平。
Safety is a critical indicator by which to profile a community. This can be measured through the impact of crime and perceptions of safety within the community. West Area 5 has a similar number of survey respondents who have been victims of crimes, and a similar perception of safety in their neighbourhood compared to the Hamilton average, both during the day and night.
房产和家居生活 Housing and Households 本区域内共有2913套住房,房产拥有率低于汉密尔顿平均值;周平均房租低于汉密尔顿平均值。
There are 2913 private dwellings in West Area 5. A lower proportion of those in the area own their dwelling – 33.4 per cent compared to the Hamilton average of 57.2 per cent. The average rent weekly paid in each unit is lower than the Hamilton average Hamilton Lake 地区房产交易数据 最近三个月内销售房产8套,最近六个月内销售房产18套,最近十二个月内销售房产50套;2017年2月中位销售天数为30天,中位价格$46.3万新西兰元,中位挂牌价格为$55.5万新西兰元,中位销售价格为$52.2万新西兰元。 2016年房产出售数量除4-6月外,大部分时段接近和低于汉密尔顿曲线。