匿名者 发表于 2019-11-12 12:53
看来大家对NZ不会无缘无故”冤枉好人“起诉深信不疑, 大家看看这篇专文 ”关于警察也会起诉无辜者“ 显示50%,40% ,有30%的警察起诉的表现是中等或差,需要改进
The data suggests approximately 50 percent of police prosecutors are verygood or good in advocacy, appropriateness of charges and knowledge of the law.Around 60 percent achieve very good or good in presentation of evidence and 70percent of police prosecutors reach those levels regarding knowledge of procedures.These statistics can also be read in the reverse, revealing that 50 percent, 40and 30 percent of police prosecutors are average or poor in those areas. Realimprovements are needed, especially in advocacy, appropriateness of charges andknowledge of the law. These efficacy problems may reflect the lack of extensive legaltraining received by prosecutors.
这些统计信息也可以反读,显示50%,40% ,有30%的警察起诉的表现是中等或差,需要改进,特别是在宣传,起诉的适当性和法律知识方面。 这些功效问题可能反映出缺乏广泛的法律的培训。
Derived from police actionErrors may arise from police culture, discrimination and prejudice, or unethical policebehaviour. Incidents of these may include distorting statements, suppressingfavourable evidence,186 illegal searches and fabrication of evidence. 187Lord Devlin observed that a police investigator does not have a quasi-judicialspirit. 18 8 That is not their role in the adversarial system, nor would they be as effectivefor society in apprehending and convicting offenders if that were the case. 189 Hewrote: "[w]hen a police officer charges a man it is because he believes him to beguilty, not just because he thinks there is a case for trial". 190 Errors can arise from thisbelief in guilt, especially if erroneous.' 9' Professor Mike McConville, a notedacademic in the fields of police and criminal prosecutions, argued that once guilt hasbeen decided by investigating officers, evidence that advances this result isgathered. 192 In contrast, opposing evidence causes uncomfortable doubts and isremoved if possible - often by treating such evidence as mistaken. 193 The adversarysystem encourages such behaviour, as investigators seek to present the strongestpossible case. 194Such behaviour by police may have a serious flow on effect on policeprosecutors where there is a shared police culture. Therefore, problems with a casemay be overlooked and prosecutors can be overly influenced by the police viewpoint.This effect is explained further below.
源自警察的行动警察的文化,歧视和偏见或不道德的警察行为可能会导致错误。这些事件可能包括歪曲陈述,压制有利证据,186非法搜查和捏造证据。 187德夫林勋爵发现警察调查员没有准司法精神。 18 8这不是他们在对抗系统中的作用,如果是这样的话,它们在逮捕和定罪者方面也不会对社会有效。 189他写道:“当警察指控一个人时,这是因为他认为他有罪,而不仅仅是因为他认为有待审理的理由。” 190错误的信念可能会产生错误,特别是如果错误的话。 9'迈克·麦康维尔教授是警察和刑事诉讼领域的著名学者,他辩称,一旦调查人员判定有罪,便可以收集证明这一结果的证据。 192相反,相反的证据会引起令人不安的怀疑,如果可能的话,将其删除(通常将此类证据视为错误的证据)。 193随着调查人员试图提出最强有力的案例,对手制度鼓励这种行为。 194警察的这种行为可能会严重影响具有共同警察文化的警察检察官。因此,案件的问题可能会被忽略,而检察官可能会受到警察观点的过度影响。该效果在下面进一步说明。
(ii) Derived from prosecution actionErrors ofjustice can also arise through unethical prosecution behaviour such as failingto disclose relevant evidence to the defence, failing to adequately review and failingto discontinue a weak case or a case not in the public interest.Prosecutors may not discontinue a weak case or one that is not in the publicinterest out of a desire to show loyalty and maintain good relations with fellowpolice. 195 This is particularly relevant in situations where a police prosecutor decidesnot to remain permanently with the PPS, returning to operate alongside the colleagueswhose work they had been judging. There may also be fear of a negative reactionfrom police. 196 Ashworth notes it takes a lot of nerve to tell police officers that a caseis dropped and for many prosecutors, especially young and/or inexperienced, "it maybe easier to accede to the police desire to 'run it'.
(ii)源自起诉行动,由于不道德的起诉行为,例如未向辩方披露相关证据,未进行充分审查以及未能中止弱小的案件或不符合公共利益的案件,也会产生司法错误。 检察官不得出于表示忠诚和与警察保持良好关系的要求而中止较弱的案件或不符合公共利益的案件。 195这在警察检察官决定不永久留在PPS并返回与他们正在工作的同事一起开展业务的情况下尤其重要。 也可能担心警察会做出负面反应。 196阿什沃思(Ashworth)指出,告诉警官该案被撤消是非常需要神经的,对于许多检察官,尤其是年轻和/或没有经验的检察官,“可能更容易接受警察“办案”的愿望。