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妖精de蛊 发表于 2013-7-19 00:36 
对的@!我可以马上把法律连接找到,那个傻叉太令人气愤了,这是赤裸裸的敲诈。自行车也有2秒法则,遇到其他车辆突然驶入他们的驾驶车道,他们需要最少2秒就能停止自己的车,他倒好,下坡冲下来,不减速,直接侧面撞到正在避让路面其他方向来车的楼主,当然怀疑他的车本身设备够不够安全的问题。楼主的驾驶严格来说不算转右give way,这是可以争议的地方,他算是un respected drive,不够友好,但是不至于全责。
假如当时路面车辆繁忙,楼主难道不回家停车了?假如当时正转右,对面车道车疾驰而来,难道楼主要避让这个单车傻叉,而和那个车撞上?法律里都说了,车辆的行驶控制能力远远不如单车,所以这些单车佬自己要多停让多观察。- Never ride in the ‘door zone’ (the space where car doors open) when cycling past parked cars. Allow at least one metre between you and a parked car.如果当时路边有车,他当时经过时最少需要和路边停车保持一米距离,他做到了吗?可能因为太贴紧那个停下来的车,而挡住了彼此的视线!
‘Taking the lane’ on left turns[size=1.1em]In some cases, on a left hand turn you may need to ‘take the lane’. This is when you move to the centre of the lane, as you would in a car, to avoid being cut off by a vehicle on the corner. Make sure you check behind you and signal your intentions before moving into the centre of the lane. Pass other vehicles safely[size=1.1em]When passing moving or stationary vehicles, always check behind and signal your intentions. Hang back if you see a truck turning left, because cyclists are often not seen by truck drivers. [size=1.1em]When riding past queues of stationary or slow moving vehicles, your visibility will be reduced and turning cars may not see you. Slow down and be particularly careful when there is a gap in the queue - the driver leaving the gap may have left it for a turning vehicle.
[size=1.1em]哪怕是看到前面有空位也要放慢速度,要警惕有车转弯过来!!!!他当时“slow down”d的话,是完全没问题的!而且他正在经过一个停车库门口!!如果被里面出来的车撞到呢??
[size=1.1em]3。The two second rule
Under normal conditions, the two-second rule is an easy way to make sure you have allowed enough following distance between your cycle and the vehicle in front, no matter what speed you're travelling at.
To check if you are travelling two seconds behind the vehicle in front:
watch the vehicle in front of you pass a road marking or other feature on or off the road
as it passes the marking, start counting ‘one thousand and one, one thousand and two’
if you pass the marking before you finish saying those eight words, you are following too closely - slow down, pick another marking and repeat the words to make sure you have increased your following distance.
这是两秒法则,里面没有提及 “pass the garage” 但是里面的 “other feature”完全可以取代,当你经过一些特别的路口时!就必须有2秒法则。
Using roads and paths[size=1.1em]Wherever you ride, you are sharing space with other road users. Understanding and respecting the needs of other users ensures everyone is safe and comfortable while they are on the road or on paths. [size=1.1em]自行车是在共享车道,有责任尊重其他驾驶者的方便,安全和需求!所以很难说,开车转右停车,一定要等所有的单车,行人先过,这是大家共享的路,需要互相尊重谦让
[size=1.1em]5,Be alert and ride safely. - Use cycle lanes and cycle paths if they are available.
- Keep to the left side of the road when possible.
- Ride in a straight line. If you have to swerve to avoid something, try not to veer too far off line.
- Obey road rules, signs and signals.
- Only ride next to another cyclist if it safe to do so, otherwise ride in single file. It is illegal for three or more cyclists to ride next to one another.
- Always ride so that you can control your cycle and are able to stop suddenly if you have to.
- Try to be as visible as possible. Wear brightly coloured or reflective clothing and use lights at night.
- 要求自行车的人可以随时停下来(而不是随时可以撞上其他车辆,黑暗中必须使用前后信号灯)
6,Respect other road users and be courteous. When it's appropriate, wait for them, give them space or wave them through.
- Be ready for the unexpected - ride defensively. The most common mistakes people driving cars, trucks or buses, make are:
- not giving way
- passing you and then turning left straight in front of you
- coming from the opposite direction and turning right in front of you
- driving too close to you when they are overtaking
- opening their doors wide enough to hit you when you are cycling past
- not checking properly before coming out of driveways or parking places
- cutting corners
- driving too fast for the conditions
- trying to be nice by letting you turn at times when it's not necessarily safe for you to make the turn. If this happens don't make a move until you can see that the way is clear in all the lanes you need to cross. Wave them on if you want to.
- Stay alert – look out for buses and trucks and recognise that they may not be able to see you and may stop often. Be sure to wait for the right moment to pass.
- Don’t weave through traffic as this makes it harder for trucks and buses to see you.
- Never cycle up the left side of a truck or bus turning left from beside you.
- Take up a visible position at lights – three metres out in front and not by the left kerb or very close to trucks or buses.
要做好其他人驾驶不能照顾到你的准备,比如车辆和你并行突然转左开车门和他们停车的时候,你需要让其他人在3 米之类看到你的信号灯!!!!!这个敲诈的人有吗?他三米之类能让人看到他的信号灯吗
8,In the rain or other low light conditions:
- wear reflective clothing and use your lights
- ride slowly and keep the bicycle upright especially on corners
- brake slowly and smoothly using both brakes
9,[size=1.1em]Cyclists also need to avoid:
- drinking alcohol or using illegal substances before or while cycling
- cycling too fast for the conditions
- using portable music players (you need to be able to hear traffic when cycling).
10.重点来了 What are the give way rules?(current from 25 March 2012) - Road users should obey all road signs and traffic signals.
- If you are turning, give way to vehicles not turning. Note: if you are leaving the path of a marked centre line, you are deemed to be turning and must give way to vehicles that are following the centre line.
- If you are turning right, give way to vehicles coming towards you that are turning left (applies where both vehicles are facing no signs or signals or where both vehicles are facing the same signs or signals).
- At a T-intersection, all traffic from a terminating road (bottom of the T) has to give way to all traffic on a continuing road (top of the T).
- In all other situations, give way to all vehicles coming from your right, eg at a crossroad controlled by traffic signals, when the signals have failed and all approaches have a flashing yellow light.
[size=1.1em]这个红色就是,楼主在这个敲诈人的右边,l楼主要cross!无任何交通信号情形下,骑单车的人必须give way! 法律也有矛盾的地方,他说转右give way法则,现在是针对单车的法律,他们必须给右边来车give way
Legal requirements for your bike- Brakes on front and back wheels (just on the back if it was made before 1 January 1988).
- A rear reflector.
- Lights must be used if cycling at night.
- 这个是法律规定,要有前后刹车和夜灯