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本帖最后由 sgyfm 于 2013-4-27 03:20 编辑
Decile只说明所在的区域好坏,而不代表学校的好坏。有些Decile 10的学校的学术表现就不如Decile 6的学校。而且自己孩子的水平也是要考虑的因素。拿AGS来讲,很多家长拼着高价买校区房,以为将孩子送进去就一劳永逸了。结果因为孩子成绩问题,却在学校排到了低级别的班级。AGS是按成绩排班的。如果孩子成绩比较不理想,说实在,还不如不费那劲,送去别的适合的学校,因材施教的道理谁都懂,但做起来就不是那回事了。
然而,我个人认为,Decile虽说与学校教学质量无关,但往往low decile的学校能吸引到好的老师机会也比高Decile的小。第二点,即便decile1的学校也会有成绩非常好的学生,但毕竟机率比Decile10的学校来的小。这些都是有数据可查的。把握一个基本度,就是尽量选decile5以上的学校。基本而言,Decile5-7的学校教学质量和设施差不多,decile8-10又是另一个级别。
另一个角度上讲,如果两所等级Decile相同的学校,如何来分辨学校的表现?楼主其实说得很清楚,看ERO的学校报告。如果再加上NZQA的成绩报告,就更清楚了。那这两个报告如何看?我在上周回了个帖子是对Long Bay College和Rangitoto College两校的一个对比。这两校都是Decile 10的学校,如果只靠Decile分数就不好判别了。所以,我在此贴出我上次的回帖,以供参考。
听上面的对话,很感兴趣。因为我自己本人也一直是认为Rangitoto的整体表现是比Long Bay要强的,但从未去认真研究过。所以,查了查两校的数据,做了个对比。
NCEA体系介绍: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6723d3d20100yxh3.html
如何以NCEA成绩进入大学: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6723d3d2010151nm.html
先来看看两校的NCEA及大学升学率UE(University Entrances)的比较(数据来源:http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualific ... do?reportID=8034175) :
11年级(NCEA LEVEL 1)
Long Bay College 考试人数:366 通过率:83.9%
Rangitoto College 考试人数:589 通过率: 85.6%
12年级(NCEA LEVEL 2)
Long Bay College 考试人数:349 通过率:82.2%
Rangitoto College 考试人数:649 通过率: 91.5%
13年级(University Entrance)大学通过率
Long Bay College 考试人数:266 通过率:60.9%
Rangitoto College 考试人数:592 通过率: 76.2%
从学术表现上看,Rangitoto明显优于Long Bay。
对于Rangti这样的一个大学校,是很难得能有如此好的学术水平的。特别是Rangi的12年级,600多人考试,居然通过率能超过92%,令人吃惊。最重要的一部分是UE,UE的全国平均水平(Decile 8-10学校)为62.7%。Long Bay的UE成绩仅为60.9%,低于全国平均水平。而Rangi的为76.2%高于全国平均水平。作为一个全国最大的学校,不简单。
看完NZQA的实打实的学术数据后,我们来看看ERO的School Report
LongBay College的report见:http://ero.govt.nz/Early-Childho ... -College-07-02-2010
Rangitoto College的report见:http://ero.govt.nz/Early-Childho ... -College-28-10-2010
两校的report都是2010年的,略显outdate。估计在今年他们都要ERO Audit了。
Longbay College和Rangitoto两校同为等级Decile 10的学校,其所处区域都是非常好的。Longbay有1561人,为Rangitoto (2871个学生)一半多点的学生人数。
Long Bay College:
NZ European/Pākehā 57%,
Māori 4%,
other European 30%,
Asian 4%,
Chinese 2%,
Indian 1%, Pacific 1%, other 1%
Rangitoto College:
NZ European/Pākehā 53%
Māori 5%
Chinese 9%
Korean 9%
African 7%
SE Asian 4%
Indian 3%
Japanese 1%
Pacific 1%
other Asian 1%
other 7%
从这里看起来,Rangtitoto的华人比例比Long Bay高不少,但也还好。
Long Bay College:
"A strong emphasis on academic achievement, together with increased student participation in sport, dance, drama, music and other performance events, has successfully raised the profile of the school in recent years. " “Student achievement has continued to improve since 2006” 加红的部分来看,给我的感觉是:学校以前的表现并不怎样,自2006年来已经有很大提高。
“Analysed NCEA data show that Long Bay College is amongst the top performing state schools. " 这句话可以忽略,因为现在要比较的这两个学校在全国范围而言都属很好的学校。
Areas for improvement是重点要看的部分,这里主要是说ERO觉得学校在哪些方面还需要提高:
”Improving understanding of good teaching practice...Programmes for beginning teachers and teacher induction should reinforce effective teaching practice. “
"Quality management systems should be improved to ensure that changes arising from these reviews are implemented and monitored. "
Students as self-directed learners. "teachers will need to provide feedback that assists students to identify the strengths and gaps in their learning and develop critical reflection and questioning skills. Teachers will also need to use assessment data more effectively to target students' learning needs and to ensure that students are individually making good progress. "
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years. 这里很重要,ERO就是说会在3年后,也就是今年就要对学校进行再次AUDIT。
Rangitoto College:
"Challenging academic courses are complemented by an extensive co-curricular programme. Students benefit from teachers’ expertise and commitment. " 这句话表现了学校对学生在学术上要求很高,因为提供的课程是challenging academic courses。
Students appreciate the well resourced learning environment and the many opportunities that the school provides them to develop leadership skills. 学校的设施很不错。
”Classroom teaching is purposeful and focused, and students enjoy positive relationships with teachers and with one another. “ 师生关系融洽,课堂纪律好。
”ERO is likely to carry out the next review within four to five years.“ ERO对学校非常满意,所给的4-5年后才做的AUDIT已经是最长期限了。这点比Long Bay College要强。
The coeducational college is highly regarded by its community and parents are actively involved in the school’s well organised activities and events. Rangitoto在社区的声望很高。
The board and senior managers have conducted in-depth self review, including reviews of selected learning areas, pastoral care and discipline procedures, planning, reporting, and health and safety systems. 学校管理层在自我管理方面做得非常好。
Areas of strength
Collaborative management. Members of the senior management team work collaboratively, while undertaking clear individual responsibilities.
Student achievement. Student achievement in the senior school is monitored closely and areas for improvement are identified and targeted.
Student engagement and progress. Teacher-student relationships are positive and teachers’ high expectations of students support their engagement in learning.
Areas for development
Student engagement in learning. ERO affirms school management plans for making better use of student achievement data at Years 9 and 10. 9-10年级的学生的表现看来不如高年级的。
另外补充一点,不管读NCEA, CIE或IB读欧美,英国或者新西兰的大学都是可以的,制度没问题,关键是看孩子自己的水平。 |