First of all, we will never go back again to this so-called "private kitchen".
1. Service 0/5. As it is a so-called "private kitchen", it is understandable that you have to make a reservation in advance and ring the doorbell when you arrived. But after you ringed the doorbell and they buzzed you in, then you walked upstairs to the restaurant, waiting to be seated by a waiter/waitress, surprisingly, no waiter/waitress showed up. We felt it‘s odd and then started to find the counter and waiter/waitress all by ourselves.
After we sat at the table and started to order, the waitress recommended a seafood dish to us but I rejected. (Because I had already read their menu online and had my preferences. What he/she recommended was not on my want-to-taste list. Personally, I don't like to order a seafood dish in a Chinese restaurant outside of China, because it is always overpriced, and you can easily cook it very well at home if the seafood is fresh. If I want to have some nice seafood courses, I will go to some Portuguese restaurants, they know how to cook seafood.) After I rejected his/her recommendation, it became odd to us: I started to order from my want-to-taste list, but I was been told by the waiter/waitress that half of them were unavailable, I had to order something else as a sub.
After the waiter/waitress left, I felt something was not right. Because one of the "unavailable" dishes was the one they keeping adverting all of those days, it didn't make any sense if it was unavailable on the menu. Then I asked another waiter about this "unavailable" dish; surprisingly he said it was available, without any hesitating, and also double checked with the kitchen. We felt even odder after then.
During the whole dinner, only one waiter is professional and the other four was rude or unfamiliar with their provided courses or the promotion information.
2. Food 0/5. On that night, I felt that what I had in that dinner were just an average taste and an average presentation with a bad experience and an excessive price. I lost my appetite. I have uploaded some photos here. You can see the difference between the dishes we got and what they present on their menu. They must pay a lot of money to the photographists rather than their chef. In the next day morning, I felt uncomfortable in my stomach. It often happens if I have too much monosodium glutamate (MSG) during the meal in the restaurant. If they indeed used MSG in their cooked food, it is a shame they call themselves "private kitchen". In my opinion, a pro chef should have savouriness skilfully and patiently built up from well-chosen ingredients using time-honored techniques, not settle for a cheat’s quick fix from a tin like an amateur.
I quote one of the others' review :"大厅显眼处贴着很多明星光临的跟老板合照的照片. 我只能说可能给明星做菜的厨师跟做给我们平民百姓吃的不是同一个吧." I totally agree with this one, the chef who might cook for the superstars is not the same as the one that cooks for us.
3. Overall 0/5. They have an information sheet on each dining table, indicate that if you write a review on Zomoto or Dazhongdianping (大众点评网,a Chinese version of Zomoto), you can get some discount (Wechat red porket/Weixin hongbao) from the staff. I believe that is why there are still some positive reviews on the web. People write down some positive reviews for the discount. And I notice that somehow they have deleted quite a lot of negative reviews on the web recently.
当我们终于找到我们定的桌子并坐下来点菜时,服务员主动向我们推荐了一道海鲜菜,但是我拒绝了。 (感觉像是在推荐卖不掉并且快要坏了的海鲜鱼,而且我已经提前在网上看了他们的菜单,把我们想点的菜都记下来了。这个服务员推荐的菜并不是我想要品尝的菜的之一。另外对我而言,我不喜欢在中国以外的国家的中餐馆去点海鲜菜,因为中餐馆的海鲜菜卖的比正常的西餐馆的还要贵还味道就那老三样。只要海鲜是新鲜的,你完全可以在家里自己做出这样水准的菜品。如果我实在想吃海鲜,我会选择去一些葡萄牙餐馆,因为他们做海鲜是一绝。)就在我拒绝了服务员的这个推荐菜之后,一切开始变得更加诡异了:我想要点的菜,有一半的菜这个服务员都说“没有”,“做不了”,我感觉我被针对了啊。。。我只能点了别的菜来凑数。。当服务员离开后,我越想越觉得不对劲。因为其中一个他说没有的菜是他们餐馆这几天一直在公众号里推广的菜,如果这个菜也没有或做不了那不是很合理啊。于是我叫了另一位服务员问这个菜有没有,神奇的是他想都没想就说这个菜有的,可以点,怕我不相信还特意和厨房对讲机了一下说这个菜有的。于是我问另外几个刚才说没有的菜,结果也都是有的。。我呵呵。。