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升级   46.68% - UID
- 120068
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- 注册时间
- 2010-7-12
I think the source of this anti-Indian view is because a lot of people in this forum don't actually work in typical big Kiwi coporates, and their impression of indian people is probabily gathered from Diary shop, taxi driver, etc... I just want provide a perspective from a different view.
I'll be very direct and I don't care if I'll offend some people. And I just like to stress my words is not against any perticular people, but just aginst the anti-Indian views in general.
I think in this day and age, all the racism and discrepancy against India people is extremly short sighted and inmature, espeically when it comes to your children's education. Further more, we are all immigrants here. If we can't learn and respect other culture, we don't deserve to be respected.
If you actually worked in professional services area(IT, Engineering, Law, Medicine etc..), you will find Indian people in general is doing much better then we Chinese people. In fact, go to every large organisation in NZ / AUS, you will easily find Indian senior managers, but you won't find many Chinese senior managers. There is alot we can learn from Indian people in general, I personally benefited in my career greatly thanks to many Indian colleagues. I'll even say most of the best colleagues I ever had is Indian.
To be successful in a professoinal service career, you absolutely need to work well with people from all culture background. I couldn't stress more the importance of building networks of personal relationship beyond normal day-to-day work.
I personally think the No1 reason Chineses normally can't progress to high level management in Kiwi firms is because Chineses usually just keep their head down and do their work, and go home at end of the day. The lack of interest to socialise and bond with colleagues means you will only stay at bottom of company hierarchy forever.
In addition to above, there is many, many other important reasons that you need to work well with all sort of people (include Indian people) to do well in your career. But I don't have time to list more.
Lastly I just want to say you parents load your racism and anti-Indian views to your children should be ashamed of yourself. Auckland is one of the most multi-culture city in the world and you are depriving your children the opportunity to benefit from this environment. If you actually paying the slightest attention to the world economic and technology trends, you will find all the western large coporates and best universities is doing everything they can do learn about Indian and China, this is where the future is.