楼主: 幸运小青蛙^_^
[奥大] 奥大梅西AUT三校联谊!愿我们的友谊长存!(照片更新) |
升级 38.62% |
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升级 30.73% |
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Be bold, do well, and be extraordinary.
升级 38.62% |
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升级 68.96% |
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但是谁又会摘掉自己的面具呢? |
升级 92% |
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所以,幸福如果不是长久就是短暂得教人更痛。 只是当初沉溺其中的我们并不知道。 这一路走下去等候我们的不是绚烂就是幻灭。 |
升级 38.62% |
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升级 56.9% |
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升级 38.62% |
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升级 68.96% |
回复 #36 幸运小青蛙^_^ 的帖子
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但是谁又会摘掉自己的面具呢? |
升级 3.02% |
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升级 92% |
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所以,幸福如果不是长久就是短暂得教人更痛。 只是当初沉溺其中的我们并不知道。 这一路走下去等候我们的不是绚烂就是幻灭。 |
升级 30.73% |
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Be bold, do well, and be extraordinary.
升级 23.72% |
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The bird wishes it were a cloud. The cloud wishes it were a bird. - Tagore
升级 30.73% |
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Be bold, do well, and be extraordinary.
升级 43% |
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升级 23.72% |
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The bird wishes it were a cloud. The cloud wishes it were a bird. - Tagore
升级 38.62% |
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升级 23.72% |
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The bird wishes it were a cloud. The cloud wishes it were a bird. - Tagore
升级 38.62% |
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升级 43% |
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升级 38.62% |
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升级 23.72% |
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The bird wishes it were a cloud. The cloud wishes it were a bird. - Tagore
升级 38.62% |
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升级 30.73% |
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Be bold, do well, and be extraordinary.
升级 38.62% |
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升级 68.96% |
回复 #47 幸运小青蛙^_^ 的帖子
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但是谁又会摘掉自己的面具呢? |
升级 30.73% |
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Be bold, do well, and be extraordinary.
升级 3.02% |
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升级 38.62% |
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升级 41% |
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Muzzy, big Muzzy. I like eating clocks.