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[金钱] 大家如果拿到政府那27刀补贴,准备买点啥? [复制链接]

匿名  发表于 2022-6-10 11:34:31 微信分享
如玉 发表于 2022-6-9 17:45
听说限制很多,还要要去IRD注册,好麻烦。懒得折腾。折腾完了也不一定给我。 ...

A $350 payment for the middle-class has been put at the centre of Finance Minister Grant Robertson's 2022 Budget, in a bid to help families cope with a 30-year high inflation rate.

The paymentwill automaticallygo to every adult who earned less than $70,001 in the last financial year – about 2.1 million people - and will be paid out in three monthly instalments from August 1, coming out to about $27 a week.


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