本帖最后由 匿名 于 2020-1-31 17:00 编辑
People in the flight have to be quarantined.
A lot of work, that is why NZ is not prepared. The nurse even asked the property manager to bring the guy back to the hostel.
if 100 people from the same flight need to be tested, NZ would need to build a mini-hospital.
That is why a lot of Flights prefer not to fly to China for the time being, risk is too high, not worth it.
Also, a good practice is stopping people from traveling to overseas countries, and NZ is crazy to want to be the receiving end of tourists at the height of the pandemic.
This country will have their resources drained, if more than 50 cases are found positive and can only rely and cooperate with Australia to fight. By then, most restaurants will close down, all Chinese faces and Chinese sounding names will be shamed and mocked in the schools and communities.
God saves NZ