本帖最后由 skywindcn 于 2019-7-17 09:45 编辑
南边球的熊 发表于 2019-7-16 23:23 
支持!上法庭就上!英语不过关请律师-。-身正不怕影子斜!!!!!反正只要你们是对的钱都会回来的,好不容 ...
People normally represent themselves. You may only have a lawyer or a representative appear on your behalf in special cases. These are where:
- the dispute is for more than $6,000
- the other person agrees or the Tribunal allows it
- the other person has a lawyer representing them.
The Tribunal may also allow you to use a lawyer due to: - the nature and complexity of the issue
- a significant difference between the people involved, which could affect their ability to present their case.