本帖最后由 狂奔的蜗牛!!! 于 2017-5-19 14:35 编辑
本文只阐述事实,不构成投票建议,请根据自己的喜好投票。 话不多说,直接上图和数据:
国家党执政年份:1990 - 1999,2009 - now 工党执政年份:2000 – 2008 1. 新西兰的失业率,1990 – 2011. 可以看到工党执政时期失业率从2000年的6点多降到了2008年3点多. 2017年1季度的失业率是4.9
2. 新西兰债务与国内生产总值的比例
3. 再来看下达康书记喜欢的东西 – GDP 在工党执政的时期也有了很大的提高。
4. 新西兰的利率变化,买房的人注意了。 07年那会利率多高啊,8%的房贷都出过。不过因为房价总体还是很便宜的,所以还贷还不是很困难。 现在买房真要谨慎,几十万的贷款,利率涨一个点就要多还不少钱。
5. 新西兰的政府预算 工党执政时期2000– 2008 基本上都是有盈余的. 而且用赢利的钱成立了新西兰养老基金2001年,Kiwi Saver 2007年.
文中大部分数据来自Frank Macskasy的文章.
居然到首页了,感到很荣幸。 特地加了以下的工党和国家党在执政时期的经济成就,供大家参考, 来源于Wikipedia。
工党: 2000 - 2008 [size=1.2em]Economic[edit]
国家党: 2009 - now Economic[edit]- Personal tax cuts, reducing taxes on all income; the top personal tax rate was lowered from 39% to 38% and then 33%.[4]
- Abolished the Loss Attributing Qualifying Company (LAQC) tax structure, which had allowed individuals (mainly property investors) to reduce their individual income tax by off setting their LAQCs losses (the Look-through company structure replaced LAQCs, but without the tax benefits).
- Increased GST from 12.5% to 15% in October 2010.
- Increased the minimum wage from $12.00 per hour to $13.00 per hour in its first term, and to $14.25 in its second term.[5] This represents a nominal 3.1% average annual increase, significantly lower than the previous government's nominal 7.9% annual average increase.
- Suspended payments to the New Zealand Superannuation Fund.[6]
- Introduced the nine-day working fortnight for businesses who were considering laying off staff.
- Capped the minimum employers' contributions to KiwiSaver at 2%, the amount was due to increase to 4% by 2011 and gave employees the option to contribute as little as 2% of their income to KiwiSaver where previously the smallest contribution amount was 4%. The minimum employee and minimum employer contributions were raised to 3% in April 2013.
- Introduced the "mixed ownership model" plan, in which the Government planned to reduce its share in Genesis Energy, Meridian Energy, Mighty River Power and Solid Energy from 100% to 51% and Air New Zealand from 74% to 51%, and sell off the remainder. The plans to sell down Solid Energy were later axed due to the company's poor financial position. A citizens-initiated referendum on the sell-downs returned a 67.3% vote in opposition (on a turnout of 45.1%).