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本帖最后由 sunray 于 2010-11-11 13:41 编辑
感谢美国青年摩根 斯普尔洛克,是摩根让我认识了一种叫“氢化油”的东西,因为在之前,我喜欢吃“植物奶油”(也叫“植物黄油” 、植脂末”)做的面包、蛋糕、饼干等食品,但自从看摩根把自己的这个实验拍成了一部纪录 ...
Melaleuca 发表于 2010-11-10 21:52
植物奶油英文是- margarine
American Heart Association是推荐几种margarine来代替传统的动物油(butter)的!-
Most foods contain a combination of different fats. All fats contain 9 calories per gram. Eat foods with monounsaturated fats and/or polyunsaturated fats instead of foods with high levels of saturated fats or trans fats. Check out our Fats and Sodium Explorer tool to get your personal daily calories and fat and sodium limits.
- Vegetable oils and margarines with liquid vegetable oil as the first listed ingredient. Examples are canola, corn, olive, peanut, safflower, sesame, soybean and sunflower oils.
- Soft spreads or liquid or tub margarines low in saturated fats and trans fats.
- Reduced-fat and no-fat salad dressings and mayonnaise.
- Foods including fatty fish (such as salmon, mackerel, herring and trout), avocados, peanut butter, and many nuts and seeds.
Shopping and Preparation Tips
- Use liquid vegetable oils or nonfat cooking sprays instead of butter or solid fats whenever possible.
When margarine was first introduced to the marketplace, it was loaded with trans fats. The trans fats were created through hydrogenation – the very process used to solidify liquid vegetable oil into a spread.
Just like saturated fats, trans fats increase LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and lower HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol).
In recent years, food manufacturers and the general public began to realize the negative health effects of trans fats. As a result, manufacturers have created non-hydrogenated margarine, which is now widely available. Non-hydrogenated margarine contains no trans fat, and it's softer than the first-generation margarine stick.
Instead of hydrogenating liquid vegetable oil, manufacturers now add a tiny amount of modified palm and palm kernel oil to enhance the spreadability of margarine, creating a soft margarine that's trans fatty acid free.
就是说新的工艺可以做出零反式脂肪酸(trans fat)! 最近看的Yale university公开课食品一节里有说到美国的快餐业推行trans fat free chips, 但是遗憾的是还是会让人高血压心脏病,因为热量并没有降下来