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本帖最后由 love_3_month 于 2010-10-5 21:09 编辑
from wiki,加了点中文大概的翻译
End-users pay this tax on all liable goods and services directly, in that the purchase price of goods and services includes GST. 最终使用者是直接付gst的人,购买价里包含了gst.
GST-registered organisations only pay GST on the difference between GST-liable sales and GST-liable supplies (i.e., they pay GST on the difference between what they sell and what they buy: income less expenditure). This is accomplished by reconciling GST received (through sales) and GST paid (through purchases) at regular periods (typically every 2 months, with some qualifying companies opting for 1 month or 6 month periods), then either paying the difference to Inland Revenue Department (IRD) if the GST collected on sales is higher, or receiving a refund from IRD if the GST paid on purchases is higher. 公司付进货和出货价格差的gst,和具体操作的一些程序。
Unlike most similar taxation regimes, there are few exemptions - all types of food are taxed at the same rate, for example. Exceptions include rents collected on residential rental properties, donations and financial services.仅房租,捐款,银行费用等免gst.
Businesses exporting goods and services from New Zealand are entitled to "zero-rate" their products - effectively, they charge GST at zero percent. This permits the business to claim back the input GST but the eventual, non-New Zealand based consumer does not pay the tax (businesses that produce GST-exempt supplies are not able to claim back input GST.) 出口产品gst = 0,境外消费者不需要支付(新西兰的)gst.
Because businesses claim back their input GST, the GST inclusive price is usually irrelevant for business purchasing decisions, other than in relation to cash flow issues. Consequently, wholesalers often state prices exclusive of GST, but must collect the full, GST-inclusive price when they make the sale and account to the IRD for the GST so collected. 含税价一般对公司没有意义,因为gst可以退回,这仅是个现金流的问题。所以,一般批发商会标注gst exclusive不含税价,但收钱时候是连着gst一起收,然后把gst部分交给IRD.
The headline price must always be GST-inclusive in advertising and stores. The only exceptions are for businesses which claim a mainly wholesale client-base. Otherwise, displaying a prominent GST-exclusive price (i.e. smaller than the GST-inclusive price), is illegal.
GST was increased to 15% in the May 2010 budget, effective 1 October 2010
1. 有的人乘机涨价(gst - exclusive,即扣除gst的部分涨价),这很正常,因为商家总是会根据市场来调整自己的价格的。但有的人冠冕堂皇的给出理由,gst涨了,我成本高了。不知道这种老板是否没有请会计,还是在浑水摸鱼,我觉得这么说的老板都是捣糨糊糊弄消费者的可能大些。
2. 维持价格不变。这个等于是让利打折了,因为销售价格(gst exclusive)和毛利在降低。但销售额是否会降低呢,就很难说了,一般来说会降低,但因为消费者都获得了一定的退税,所以在某些物品上的消费量反而会升高使总金额上身。就跟薄利多销的意思差不多。
3. 同一个店里,尤其是食品超市,价格变化有大有小,有的超过2.5%,有的不到。比如,有的东西,长期特价卖9.99,你涨到多少呢?10.21?这样不方便它打广告。而有的东西,可能长期利润比较薄,而市场又看好,那就可能9.99变成12.99之类的。这就类似于把上面两者结合起来的。
反过来,个人所得税的降低是可以算的出的。你有多少收入就有多少减税。telecom的老板减税多少跟我有什么关系呢,他交的税率也比大家高不少啊,减的话减多点也应该。与其看着眼红,被工党当枪使,不如仔细想想,这gst 上升和个人所得税降低,到底是怎么回事,工党说的是真的吗,还是为批评而批评。
忘了说了, 不知道大家有没有遇到某些服务,对方的报价是xx元+gst的。为什么这么报呢,因为xx元是他的收入,gst是他代政府收的,所以gst涨的话,总价会涨,但xx是不应该涨的。同时,如果你是为公司购买,那也一样,xx是你的成本或者费用,gst是你先付了,之后claim回来的。对你和对方而言,只有xx是涉及大家利润的,所以这么报价更直观。当然,如果你是私用,那gst属于你的购买成本,涨了就是涨了。这只是说明gst上涨不影响商家的成本或利润。 |